Hello, I am new to the salt water hobby but I've been researching off and on for the past 2-3 years on the topic. I know I have to start of buy reading and owning some books (I surf the net mostly) but I have some general questions so maybe you guys can help. I am planning on setting up a new tank soon. Actually there will be two diff tanks eventually. The first tank I wanted to set up would be in my living room. The problem is I wanted to get atleast a 125 gallon tank (glass) but according to the LFS, it may be too heavy as the beams in the floor will be running in the same direction as the tank.. Do you think it will be possible for me to have the same size tank but get an acrylic one instead of glass which may be lighter in weight once filled?? My second question is I may start off with my first tank in my basement where my family room is. If that is the case, I will get atleast a 150 galloon glass tank. Any idea how much $$$ I will have to spend on setting up this size tank with the right equipment. Thank you in advance for you help.