Newbie to SW-need experienced suggestions


I just ordered a 110 gallon reef tank and am exploring all the possible equipment setups. I now use a Magnum 350 with my 44 gallon FW and think it is the best made. I love the Bio- Wheel for bio filtration. I have been reading here for a while now that it seems more people are using wet-dry and or sumps and would like to know your recommendations on the differences between them. Also, i like to use the best equipment out there so if you could tell me your recommendations on such. What is the best reef filtration, the best protein skimmer, the best lighting and so forth. I appreciate any worthy input. BTW, i already have RO water maker and am planning on using Southdown sand with LS and LR.


Well-Known Member
most with reefers like plants to be in a refugium. But whatever you do, I recommend the very first thing is to establish a vibrant plant growth and then do the rest. That way you start out with a balanced ecosystem and hopefully you can maintain that way.


This is going to be a reef tank with corals and anenomes and friendly fish. What is SPS? Also if i could get more details on brand names and where to get. Thanks


Active Member
Or you can substitute the scleractinian for stony.
LPS are the same but large polyped.
These are the most light intensive corals avaliable. Hardest ones to keep as well.


Active Member

Originally posted by tboman2
hey, hey, there's nothing wrong with anemone's i have three and they do great. I have a bubble tip, curly cue, and a haitian condy. but i do under stand some just don't have any luck with them.

yeah good job...I had two for about 6 months until one day they.....well DIED!
When an animal that can live several hundred years in the sea dies in 6 months...yeah thats called failure.


Yes, it is! Sorry if i sounded brash but i am getting very excited about this tank and i devour knowledge for this so i can do things properly the first time. What do you think about the Tidepool ll and EU skimmer( even though the EU is very pricey). Also see my other post with additional questions about bulkheads and the size holes to be drilled. Thanks.


First I can say, I was in your spot 4 months ago!:cool:
First word of advise, No one is an expert, anyone whom claims to be, disregard as not completely sane! :rolleyes:
The First questions you need to ask yourself are the following.
1. What kind of Fish are you wanting. Agressive / NON-Agressive
2. Reef / NON Reed

>Keep in mind that most aggressive fish are not reef safe, aka, they destroy reef, or reef scars them over time badly.
3. Size of tank and thus types of systems used to keep clean and healthy
4. Are you going to want Corals, Aneanome's, Plants?
5. Use of Crushed Coral, Hole Coral Bed, Sand Bed?
Once these things have been atleast contenplated you can start the process of getting equipment. I only have experience with 55 gallon standard tank, you can see the pics. Took about 4 weeks to cycle it, I used Black mollie's to help seed tank durring cycle due to costing 1.00 each (3 of them) I used Crushed coral bed and made this tank into a reef tank. So far Very Healthy.
You can see posts throughout the sight from me and getting advice. You will also see that their were atleast 3 oppinions for every question asked, So get the info. and way the possibilities. In the end, you will learn allot from this board, Just read it like one would read the Bible, Head the Advice, but dont take it as the law, because its not fully proven, just recommended.


I will be getting only friendly fish with a LS sand base and LR with some anemones and other assorted reef types. Corals and some shrimps with cleaning crew will be added. Will be 110 gallon reef tank with possibly Tidepool ll and EU skimmer. Do i need a refugium and if yes what is its basic purpose?


The Tidepool ll is a wet-dry 13 gallon sump made by Marineland and i meant Euro reef skimmers. Sorry i got the abbreviation wrong. How big should a refugium be for a 110 gallon show tank?


New Member
VERY CRITICAL HINT decide on what all equipment you want which the replies are pretty helpful on that but sit your tank up once with all equipment running and leave it alone adding and subtracting equipment can make thanks ugly.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beckzilla
I will be getting only friendly fish with a LS sand base and LR with some anemones and other assorted reef types. Corals and some shrimps with cleaning crew will be added. Will be 110 gallon reef tank with possibly Tidepool ll and EU skimmer. Do i need a refugium and if yes what is its basic purpose?

I have a Tidepool 2 on my ninety gallon and I like it because of all of the media trays but it says that if your tank is more than 4 feet long you will need to rig two together because of the size of the sump is not big enough if it is more than 4 feet. Do you have one over flow or two? Lesley


Lesley, thanks for your input. It is nice to talk to people that already have what i am looking into. Did the instructions that came with the tidepool say to use 2 for over 4 foot tanks? I dont have any overflows yet as i just ordered the tank and am going to have them drill the tank as soon as i can get somebody to answer my post about how many holes, what size ( 1.5" looks good) and where on the tank to place them.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beckzilla
Lesley, thanks for your input. It is nice to talk to people that already have what i am looking into. Did the instructions that came with the tidepool say to use 2 for over 4 foot tanks? I dont have any overflows yet as i just ordered the tank and am going to have them drill the tank as soon as i can get somebody to answer my post about how many holes, what size ( 1.5" looks good) and where on the tank to place them.

Yes, the package says for up to 120 gallon tanks on the box of the Tidepool 2, but the instructions say that if your tank is over 4 feet long to rig two Tidepools together which is kind of deceptive advertising if you ask me.....can be done, but is a pain and the filter media for two could get quite expensive. In the three very large media trays one could be used for bioballs if needed. I have one tray for carbon type media, one tray for floss type media and filled the third with Biochem stars. Since it was a new set up I soaked the 80 Biochem stars in over a half of bottle of liquid cycle bacteria and they soaked it right up like a sponge. Left them like this in a plastic bag over night for the bacteria to get settled into the pours of the stars. It seems to have worked pretty well as I have had the ninety set up for two weeks with no amonia or nitrite. I also used a lot of curred live rock and sand from another tank.....Took a risk as I put three fish in there from day one that are doing fine. Lesley


:p Sounds like your on the right track to me. One thing I would recomend is get the system running, NO FISH, and let it run for a while, Also Find a local hobbiest in your area or send me a personal message, we get you some Scrappeings from our rock so that we can get your Cora-Line Algea's growning in advance. This will help your tanks maturity, and at the same time will strengthen the eco system for when you do get the little buggers into their new home.
I can fill a baby jar with some of my over grown coral bed to help seed your tank if you would like =) Over Night FEDEX is a wounderfull thing to help the progress .:D Your tank is going to be Excellent :p
P.S. This is how i got my tank started through the long cycle process, I let it run just the fixens, dead rock, coral bed, and power heads for about 1 - 2 weeks, then I seeded my tank with the help of A local Hobbiests tank. About 1 week later, my tank bottom was growing like mad with brown algea's. Then I added 3 black mollie's (fresh water fish aclimated to salt) to have them poop all over the place. About 1 weak after the full cycling was completed, and green cora-algea started spreading everywere, Now i have Orange, Yellow, Red, Green algea spread throughout my tank =).


Thanks Poly, i will definitely do that and mucho thanks for offering. I should get my new tank by the end of the month and you are absolutely right about taking the proper time to setup ecosystem properly.