Newbie to SW-need experienced suggestions


Hey Poly, would you mind telling me what kind of equipment you are using and so forth. Like sump, fuge powerheads etc. Would definitely appreciate it so i can get a better understanding what is working good out there in marineland.
I have a 110 gallon reef also.I have a 30 gallon fuge,that I made myself,also have a 30 gallon sump I made myself.I have around 130lbs of rock and if I remember right about 250 lbs of sand.The only mechanical filter I use is a skimmer.You do not need to spen all that extra money for a tidepool sump,you do not need any bio-wheels.The rock and the sand will act as your filter.
The sump can be a regular 30 gallon tank or whatever size you decide to use,just make sure it is big enough to house your skimmer.I made my fuge and sump out of acrylic it was easy to make and I was able to make them the excat size I needed,the standard glass tanks would'nt work under my stand,that is why I made my own.Something you need to think about.
As for lighting I would use Metal Halide,the wattage would depend upon the depth of your tank.I would supplement them with some VHO.
I already answered you about the size of the holes you need drilled,but if tencor is custom building this tank they already know what size holes to drill,they just need to know what size drains you want.
All of this info is only is just my opinion.I hope this helps you out :)



Originally posted by Beckzilla
Hey Poly, would you mind telling me what kind of equipment you are using and so forth. Like sump, fuge powerheads etc. Would definitely appreciate it so i can get a better understanding what is working good out there in marineland.

He He ok, but most dont setup live tanks, they setup chemical tanks. Here's my stuff. =)
55 gallon tank
2 Power heads (300's)
1 Sea Clone protien skimmer (100 gallon capable)
standard florescent currently moveing to 10k and higher bulbs soonish
about 40pnds of dead rocks
20pnd of crushed coral not disturbed to much but some what crushed
I run my Water at 1.018 - 1.020 the fish do great and diseases cant survive at this salt content nearly as well.
Now something that some would be absolutely apposed to is getting Black Molly's to seed your tank after it has cycled a bit and has shown algea growth and spread through out the current flows. I get my molly's from a local store for like 1.50 appiece so I am not looseing allot of money if they dont make it. These little black fishy's help well, poop the place up, it acts as a fertiliser for the algea's, and then blamy! you got growth everywere, and your tank will cycle/stabalise in no time. Also if a molly does die, let it sit! Wait for it to start to decay, this will help the algea's. It doesn't need to stay to long, then you can grab him out.
After the tank has cycled, it is always good to place some Yellow Tail Damsels in the tank for a while, to make sure the environment is suitible for your fishes. I randomly fed Pellets, Flakes, Brine, even formula 2 for angels to my damsels and Molly's while awaiting the tank to grow. These foods help in building up the environment. Finaly, when you think its ready, do a 10% water change!
I would recomend adding a couple ClarkII clowns if your planning clowns, these clowns are hardy, their also very open to what type of aneanome you can select for them. I will post you a couple pictures of mine. over all its a waiting game but take what I have to heart. It works, and it works well, with ABSOLUTELY NO CHEMICALS!!!!! Much much healthier for fish, and takes a bit longer to start, but is much easier to take care of.


here's a few pictures for you to see. I use a bottom filtration in tank to bring the Algea's, Poop's, and such to the bottom of tank.
Sorry but to get bak on the anemone issue for a sec do u think a person with regular lighting(not VHO or MH) bought an anemone do u think it would last 6 months (cus i would shell out 50 buks for 6 months of beauty.