Newbie w/ stocking ?'s


Hello all,
To start with I guess I will start by saying I'm a newbie!LOL I have had freshwater tanks before, but this is my 1st SW. I have a 75 gal w/ Magnum350, skilter filter w/ built in skimmer, Rio 600 Power head. Heater, 80lbs of LR, and 3 bags of LS. (i don't remember if they 30 or 40lb bags) The set up is almost 2 months old. I know I have to take my time with this. I just wanted to get a list together to add in the future, so that I do not impulse buy. :thinking:
1-White cheek Tang
2- 6 line Wrasse
1-Flame Angel???????
2-Ocellaris clownfish
1-Yellow tailed damsel-Have

1- 2-Banded clownfish-Have

1- bulb Anemone
1-San Sifting Sea Star 2-Court Jester Bobies
10- Scarlet Hermit crabs 30-Dwarf Tip Hermits
10-Turbo Snails
I forgot I have 2-12K day bulbs, and 2 Actinics They are the 21" compacts. So I guess I have 4-21" Days, and 4 21" actinics. Let me know what you think. I would appreciate all the help I can get.


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefer75
Hello all,
To start with I guess I will start by saying I'm a newbie!LOL I have had freshwater tanks before, but this is my 1st SW. I have a 75 gal w/ Magnum350, skilter filter w/ built in skimmer, Rio 600 Power head. Heater, 80lbs of LR, and 3 bags of LS. (i don't remember if they 30 or 40lb bags) The set up is almost 2 months old. I know I have to take my time with this. I just wanted to get a list together to add in the future, so that I do not impulse buy. :thinking:
1-White cheek Tang
2- 6 line Wrasse
1-Flame Angel???????
2-Ocellaris clownfish
1-Yellow tailed damsel-Have

1- 2-Banded clownfish-Have

1- bulb Anemone
1-San Sifting Sea Star 2-Court Jester Bobies
10- Scarlet Hermit crabs 30-Dwarf Tip Hermits
10-Turbo Snails
I forgot I have 2-12K day bulbs, and 2 Actinics They are the 21" compacts. So I guess I have 4-21" Days, and 4 21" actinics. Let me know what you think. I would appreciate all the help I can get.
you cant have 2 species of clown in the same tank, the tang will get to big, the wrasses will probley fight, so only get 1, if you plan on a reef the flame angel might pick on corals, the sand sifting star will almost def. die, you will rpobley want to add more snails, you dont have the right lighting for an anemone, but everything else sounds fine


Originally Posted by fedukeford
you cant have 2 species of clown in the same tank, the tang will get to big, the wrasses will probley fight, so only get 1, if you plan on a reef the flame angel might pick on corals, the sand sifting star will almost def. die, you will rpobley want to add more snails, you dont have the right lighting for an anemone, but everything else sounds fine

I thought the bulb anemone only needs moderate light, and why would the star die. I am only asking because I don't fully understand all of the does and dont's. Also thanks for the advise.


Originally Posted by rstiles
tank to small for the tang - think about a heniochus butterflyfish (banner) or a rabbit fish.

I thought rabbit fish needed at least a 100gal, As for the butterfly, are they reef safe?


Active Member
im not 100% sure, but most anemones except for pests need MH lighting, and sand sifting stars have a VERY low survival rate, they eat everything in the sand and then slowly die


Originally Posted by fedukeford
im not 100% sure, but most anemones except for pests need MH lighting, and sand sifting stars have a VERY low survival rate, they eat everything in the sand and then slowly die

Ok thanks a lot for the info. Is there any good ideas for a sand sifter?


Originally Posted by morales67
theres a few like a koleis one
( most regals will out grow

I like the Kole, are ther any others. I just want to make sure I am going to be happy with all of my fish.


Active Member
i would only try koles and yellows, they wont neccasarily be very happy, but they probley wont get stressed out either