Newbie with 10 gallon


New Member
Hi, everyone. My name is Kim & I live in Oregon. I just got my 1st saltwater tank, a 10 gallon. I have some live rock, 1 clownfish, 1 black & white damsel, 1 yellowtail damsel, 4 crabs, 4 snails & an anenome. Im looking for some info on lighting. What is the most reccomended light for a 10 gallon? (please be specific) I do plan on getting more anenomes (specific suggestions would be great) some coral (specific suggestions please) & some other fish, Im thinking of a gamma, goby & another clown (ok?). What is the fish maximum I can have? Anything else I should be aware of not getting to mix in with what I have or want to get? Thanks for the help & Ive already learned so much on the nano area of this forum. I hope to have pics up soon. Kim


trade the damsels in for something else, adding another clown after the one you have has already been in the tank is risking it.
you should trade in that anemone. they need established tanks and strong light and i doubt that you have either. i dont mean to sound harsh but i dont want you to nuke your tank


Active Member
Hi Kim

well im glad you started a Saltwater tank! your gonna have so much fun with those!
first, like stated above the damsel have to go. not because they are bad but because they are aggressive. you could only have 2 fish in a 10g. maybe 3 but 2 will be better. the bioload and swimming space for the fish will be very limited. as for the anemone i will also recommend to take it back for store credit. they really need an establish tank and also like stated above strong lighting. hope that help

now to answer your questions.
as for light: well since you are a beginner and im guessing you want easy corals to care for you should get power compacts. atleast 2 24watts lights=48watts total. one daylight 10k bulb and the other blue actinic. im sure your local fish store has some.
corals: get anything from zoas, rics, shrooms, to leathers and softies. easy corals to care for and have amazing colors.
fish: well you said you have 1 clownfish, 1 black & white damsel, 1 yellowtail damsel. if i was you return both damsels and add another clown and maybe the royal gramma. if not to make the tank good. one clown and one gramma would be perfect!

but most importantly! how long has this tank been set up? running?
Hope the information help you!

kevin mcrae

I have two clowns and a royal gamma in my tank and its perfect! Just make sure you have lots of rock, do water changes weekly and you'll be fine.
Instead of a anemone get a nice sized frogspawn coral. Clowns love it too.


Active Member
welcome Kim!! I would love to see a pic of your tank!
I got a very small, peaceful anenome and I too had to return it.
It had nothing to do with lighting though. Even though it was a more peaceful one, because I have such a small tank (I have a 12 gal) I was told it would accidently bump into coral and sting them.
So I returned it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2
welcome Kim!! I would love to see a pic of your tank!
I got a very small, peaceful anenome and I too had to return it.
It had nothing to do with lighting though. Even though it was a more peaceful one, because I have such a small tank (I have a 12 gal) I was told it would accidently bump into coral and sting them.
So I returned it.
+1 thats true. some anemones will sting other corals


New Member
I will read & take notes on everyone responses. Thank you all for the info! What a help you all are.
A little history on my tank. Since I do rescue & rehab for domestic & wild animals, I wanted to adopt my fish from a fish rescue. Yes, there is such a thing,lol. There happens to be one about 30 minutes from my home & they happen to be clients of mine as well. The fish & anenome came from their established tank along with the water & live sand. It has been established for a couple of years. The new stuff is live rock, snails & crabs. They just transfered the fish & anenome into this 10 gallon & brought it here to cycle. I have had it for 2 months & all is going well. Salt level is well, ph is low & Im working on it. Should I still get rid of the anenome? Kim


Active Member
Originally Posted by thumpersalley
I will read & take notes on everyone responses. Thank you all for the info! What a help you all are.
A little history on my tank. Since I do rescue & rehab for domestic & wild animals, I wanted to adopt my fish from a fish rescue. Yes, there is such a thing,lol. There happens to be one about 30 minutes from my home & they happen to be clients of mine as well. The fish & anenome came from their established tank along with the water & live sand. It has been established for a couple of years. The new stuff is live rock, snails & crabs. They just transfered the fish & anenome into this 10 gallon & brought it here to cycle. I have had it for 2 months & all is going well. Salt level is well, ph is low & Im working on it. Should I still get rid of the anenome? Kim
i will. give it to the lfs for store credit and buy something you want.