newbie with yet another question


i think i have ich and ive asked this question in the dieseas forum but thought maybe someone here will know
can i give my fish canned (in glass jar minced with juice) garlic
the other forums i was reading said garlic extreme or fresh but we are having terrible weather and i dont have eighther and cant be on the roads to get anything i have been having terrible luck with the swf this past week and have had five fish die levels are high my test kit was old and giving me wrong readings i now only have two perc clowns left and the bigger one is showing signs of ich if these two die im throwing everything out the door (that i can pick up)ive lost over 250 $ in a couple of days (had a agrsive fish kill blue hipppo and clown) but if anyone knows about the garlic that will help me right now thanks in advance


dont know what hypo is could you explain but no i do not have qt tank i am going to start one tomorrow i will soon have to turn pc off storm is here expecting tornados!!now i am worried about power but if i put the garlic in tank that i have at home now will it hurt or help????


okay guys have to turn pc off have to take shelter now will turn pc back on as soon as possible and respond as soon as i can thanks for any info


Hypo in short is lowering your salinity to 1.009 to kill the ich. The downside is it will also kill LR and inverts. This needs to be done in a QT. As far as garlic, I am not sure if it does anything at all to ich but it is supposed to encourage your fish to eat. Someone else shoud come along to tell you more or do a search for Hypo, you wi find several threads on ich there.


Nicole, I just this week went through the ick problem and found the Disease Forum here had a wonderful posting. It is the very first posting Titled FAQ, common treatments. The second posting within that one talks about a Hospital Tank (HT) and, I believe, the third one discusses Hyposalinity. Beth is very clear and is the moderator for that forum. I urge you to read that posting at least - each one - You can also do a search for all postings on ick by clicking the Search button at the top of this screen. It's the one between "New Posts" and "Quick Links".


New Member
Don't know about the garlic...but I am a little supprised nobody told you to try a fresh water dip...
get som pre treated water with no salt in it at all...and drop your clown in BUT BE VERY CAREFUL you cant leave him in there for long or youll kill him (not less then 20 seconds but NOT more then 30 seconds) If he does have ick you should see very small white (like dots) peices falling off him but thats not the end of it ick gets into the substrate and re-infects..the life cycle is...It grows on the body normally starting from exstream stress, it then falls off the body and finds its way into the base and lays eggs when the eggs hatch new ick floats around the water untill it attaches itself to another fish or the same one.
only 2 ways that I know of to get rid of it completly and thats.....lower your salt level or even more drastic is to add copper to the water unfortunatly both ways will kill everything in your tank except your fish (though copper will kill some fish ie. butterflys do not live well in a copper treated tank) and then of course with copper you cant get rid of seeps into the substrate and rocks and just stays there only way to get fid of it as to remove all rocks and sectionally replace your substrate not allowing old to touch new (substrate replacment must be done over atleast a month to allow new to cycle and get bacteria only reason i went so deep into the copper is if you have a fish only tank and are not planning to go fowlr of reef then copper might be your best bet but be warned if you put it in....It stays hope you made it through the storm...


hey guys we all made it through the storm we went to basement and watched news there was 8 funnel clouds that was on top of us for 7 minutes and then it was all gone but it rained all night hard to sleep when thunder is shaking your house.but about the fish i have a bubble wall in the back of my tank could the white spots just be loose sand or bubbles from that??i cant get a close enogh pic to post im sorry but is there anything that i could look for to know that its ich for sure or do i have to guess and hope im right ?


If your fish have white specks on them, they probably have ICK! going through the same thing myself, have had no luck fighting it, although i have not lost a fish yet! Been 2 weeks and My achilles tang is still hanging in there! I have another tank that i am settin up for a HT But it has a leak, drained out the water , fixed the leak and now it's leaking in another place! Shesh I can not get a break! Glad you made it through the storms! I have been through a few tornados and Hurricanes myself! Scary stuff! Stay Safe!


good luck with your ht tank it sounds like your luck is as good as mine symon i have turned off the air bubbles and give it a day or so before i treat as ich just to make sure its not the sand.i am on my to the pet store my levels arent good he said it was because of water changes i have done two 10 gal. in two days because of ich(thinking)so he said i needed to get some cycle stuff ive probably started my cycle over or something BAD LUCK for me(as always)


New Member
far to many water changes you can't get rid of ick that way I know it sounds scary but try a fresh water dip (or poss. a fresh water dip with copper in it) first do copper dip then fresh 15 sceonds each timing is very important so as not to over stress the fish gl
Please read the bottle for mixing instrunctions first I dont mean drop him into full copper
but you knew that right??


yes of course but can you give me details on the freshwater dip i have never done one do i just get treated water check temp and throw him in?


New Member
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you Ive been moving (almost lost my Hippo Tang)
scary..anyway your answer is yes..I would use some of your top off water cause its cycled already....I cant stress enough the importance of timing ...Ive heard of people dipping for a minute or more and the fish died...
also make sure you cover the container with your net cause he WILL try and jump out
first time I did it on a coral beauty he cleared the top of the container by at least 4 to 6 inches and it was only half full (funny after but a little shocking at the time)
One last thing though Im sure youve already thought of it..make sure you have a second smaller net that will fit inside the container to scoop him back out won't need to chase him he'll just sit there........Good luck.....