

Well, I just bought a 20g tank from a neighbor that was used for fw and all his equipment for $30. Thought it was to good to pass up, and I have wanted a sw tank for sometime. Well, I have a friend that is helping me get started. I have got about 20lb sand and 22lb of uncured lr. I also have a bio-wheel moving the water. Started my cycling on Saturday and he told me about this site when he was assisting me. I still need to buy a light kit, because in the future I want to have lots of corals and a couple of fish to start my sw lifestyle. I am already wanting get a bigger tank and get more stuff because I will only be able to have only a few fish in this tank, but it will be good to start with.
Well, my questions are do I need a protein skimmer? My friend didn't mention this. He did suggest getting some powerheads(I think that is the term) to move the water more to help with the cycling. And suggested getting better lighting and a better heater. Any good recommendations on this brand name or certain models to get/avoid.
Thanks for the help...I have learned a lot already from this site and it has got me hooked (as the name implies)


Active Member
There are several reef keepers on this board that do not use a skimmer on their tanks. If you only have a couple of small fish I would say that it's not really neccessary, and you can always add 1 later if you feel that its needed. The bad thing about most protein skimmers is tha not only do they remove the bad stuff from your water, but they also remove the good stuff. Most post that I've read here recommend the bak pak skimmer for smaller tanks. I have a sea clone, and I think it does a fair job. I've also used prizm skimmers, and would recommend that you stay away from them.


I'm one that feels that a protien skimmer is an essential piece of equipment on a reef tank, however with a 20 gallon tank I also feel that you could forgo the skimmer and simply do water changes to correct any problems, and when the fever really hits you and you upgrade to a larger tank with sump or wet/dry, then you can spend the $150.00 + dollars for a skimmer.
As to the heater, I am a big fan of Won Pro heat submersable heaters, as it has the thermostat dial on the plug and not under water with the heater, it is also made with a titanium shaft so it will not break like the glass ones. Ebo heaters are also highly recommended.
As to the lighting start looking up prices for VHO = very high output or PC = power compact that will fit over your tank. And of the three things you ask about the lighting will be the most important I think. In my opinion PC lighting has come a long way but is still a bit controvercial, Look into the VHO. Oh and it will require a seperate special ballast. Perhaps your buddy can help you find a few sites with lighting, if not let me know and I will give you a few.


Welcome to SW!!
Choose your fish very carefully in a 20 since I guess you don't want to have everyone telling you to return your fish because your tank is too small. I agree with Stacy that you stay away from Prizm. I don't really like mine because it's really noisy for some reasons. However, I also heard that some people's seaclone starts to leak after a year or two. As for powerhead, I would suggest you to go with Maxi-jet and go beyond the 600 because I don't feel mine is enough but I was planning to get another one. If you get 2x75 watts VHO for your lighting, I think that would be very good enough or 2x55 watts PC, that will also good enough IMO. I believe they will both fit for your 20. Is it a regular 20 or is it a long or high 20 because it may make a difference on what lighting you wanna get. HTH


Thanks for the info. Also, today I was looking that the lr and it has this kinda net or spiderweb looking thing on it, not all over it but some here and some this normal? Thanks. Oh, it is a 20 regular.


Active Member
You do have to be careful what you put in a twenty but to me it isn't as a big deal as people make out. I have a twenty gallon and it was my very first. It is excellent! (except when i make mistakes, heehee)