

Okay, I am new to the Aquariun hobby and I need some input. A buddy of mine gave me a 45 gallon reef tank (live rock live, sand). I have a yellow tang, some snails and chermits, , a blenny, two yellow tail damsels and chromis.
2 Percula' s on the way tonight. (I have a 4 year old who has to have NEMO!)
System has been up and running for two weeks. We took it down at his and hasd it up and going at mine wwithing 24 hours. Sand was kept wet and the rock was covered with wet newspaper.
I have successfully killed 2 coral banded shrimps ! Any ideas ????
Also, How do I keep the small white algae from growing on the side of the glass ??
How often should I change the water ?
What is RO water??
And finally, can you recommed a shrimp !
Well maybe one more. How many fish can I sustain in this setup? I would like to add a butterlfy and one of those blues tangs ??
It has a skilter 400 and a powerhead. Two bulb light , one is a purple actina bulb
Thanks in advance
:confused: ;)


RO stand for reverse Osmosis (purified Water) . As guide line most folks say 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of water. In your case that would be about 5 inches of fish. I'm sure your well over that now. Also Tangs need plenty of space preferbly 75 gallons or larger. Adding the perc to the tank will probably just overloaded it. I would hold off on purchasing fish and hang around this board for a while just read the threads and it will save you lots of money


Sorry forgot to answer your water change questions. I usually do water changes every 2 weeks roughly 5% of the tanks volume giving me 10% monthly.


Active Member
First thing... welcome to the board!

When you say it has been up and running for 2 weeks, do you mean total time (his house and yours), or just two weeks since the move to your house?
What are the levels in your tank? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH, Calcium, Alkalinity/dkH, Salinity)
We usually do a 10% water change every month if the tank is doing well at the right levels.
RO water is reverse osmosis water. It should be used for top off after evaporation and should also be used to make your saltwater if you plan to make it yourself. It can be gotten from your local fish store and I have heard that Walmart sells it. Pre-mixed saltwater can also usually be gotten from your LFS.
Your tank is too small to sustain a butterfly or blue hippo tang (like Dori)... they both need at least a 100 gallon. And I think you will be at your limit on fish once you add the perculas, which in my opinion, you may have added too soon.
As for shrimp, I recommed a scarlet cleaner shrimp, but don't add one just yet. Let's make sure everything is stable with your tank first. Patience is key... you have to take things slow.
EDIT: Wow... I type too slow... 3 replies in the time it takes me to post one.
EDIT #2: After reading the other replies, I have to agree that you are actually already overstocked. Remove the tang and take it back to your LFS, then you should be ok with the perculas (if the tank levels and such are ok, that is)


When you set up the tank did you use frash salt water or the water from the old tank? If it was new water then the tank has to cycle before it will be stable. If you are cycling with all that live stock in there be prepared to lose more than just the shrimp. Although you kept the rock wet it will still have die off and cause the aforementioned cycle. As for fish, you are already overstocked IMO. Get rid of the Tang or a couple of other fish then maybe you can consider adding Nemo after the tank has completely cycled. Do not add any more live stock at all until the cycle is completed. I hope this helps!


Oh yeah and Kreach is right, you cannot have those 2 Tangs in a 45. You may get lucky if you are able to keep the Yellow Tang.


Wow, what a response and thanks for the advise.
Let's see .. where to start... First I apolgize for the typos. I hit the submit button and realized the errors. Oh well engineers aren't suppose to know how to spell. .....
Next.. the tank had been up and running for a couple of years.
The water was totally changed with new water and it was aireated (I hope I spelled that one right) for 24 hours prior to adding to the tank. I did not realize that it would have to go through a brand new cycle.
I have the test kit and I have seen spikes in the Ammonia and have watched it closely for the past couple of days.
I ordered the Percula's so there is a point of no return there.
I thought I was taking it slow, but I now believe I was cruising at Mach two.
Thanks for all the help. I wish our local Aquaium Dealers were as helpful. I ask question and I get the "you have no experience and why should I help" look. As a matter of fact I resolved last night to only purchase items on line vs. buying anything from these pseudo experts that I seem to be bothering. One even told me last night that I could add more fish !!! Which I now see was incorrect.
Again thank you for your help !:)


Active Member
Nothing wrong with getting items from your LFS... just do your research here before you buy rather than listening to them. :)
Good luck!


Active Member

Originally posted by dlc
I have a yellow tang, some snails and chermits, , a blenny, two yellow tail damsels and chromis.
2 Percula' s on the way tonight. (I have a 4 year old who has to have NEMO!)

aahhhh a yellow TANG
in a 45 gallon tank!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome to the hobby...looks like several of the members have already taken exception to the status of your new aquarium. Don't let that upset you...there are many very experienced members here and as a rule the advice you find will benefit you in the long run. The vast majority of our members will only want to help...even if the advice sounds a bit harsh!
Before going any futher I'd urge you to step back and research this hobby and your current inhabitants before even considering any new additions. If you are having ammonia readings then you may assume the ammonia has caused the loss of your shrimp. I'd strongly urge you to stop where you are and let your system cycle...then wait for it to become stable. I'd also consider removing the tang...and eventually add the perculas...but all the fish you have now may be in serious trouble if the ammonia/nitrites continue to rise. Both can be extremely toxic to fish!
Again...welcome to our forums and I sincerely wish you all the this point the best advice I could offer is this....
Nothing in this hobby happens quickly except for problems. Take your time and let your system become stable and the mean time research and learn all you can...then progress from an informed position...slowly!!:cool:
The Land of Enchantment
Home of New Mexico Reef
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Yeppers welcome to the board if it weren't for these guys I am afraid I would be a murderer and would have lost lots of money. Again welcome aboard!

Active Member
well there is any thing i can say that someone has not told you so i will just say WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!!!!


Okay, so I have been the entertainment of the month for some of you this evening.
However due to all of this humor, I am now a little more wiser and a heck of a lot smarter regarding how ignorant I am regarding this giant science project I so blindly took on in the quest for cool fish and exotic plants !
Seriously, I do thank you all for the input!
I have placed a hold on the Nemo's and so you all can sleep a little better knowing that you played a significant role in SAVING NEMO ! Nemo's Dad may be glad, but my 4 year old is not !
As far as the Tang in the 45. I realize that the juvenile will one day reach maturity and I am either going to have to fillet that sucker or feed him to the 4 year olds cat. Which by the way I am sure she will consider as a just end for delaying the arrival of the only fish that matters, Nemo.
I am monitoring the water rigorously and all is well in the great indoor ocean at present. I have got all purchases on hold at and will place all efforts in stabilizing the eco system prior to any new purchases...
Can I at least buy a couple more "chermits" ? ( In my zealousy to get something posted at the end of my lunch hour I created a whole new species this afternoon to which I owe a deep apology to our Heavenly Father ! He is probably sitting up there asking around "In those six days does anyone remember if I created a Chermit ??? " Asking who has the book "Ocean Creations" , placing some some poor angel into warp drive researching it!)
Seroiusly, thank you all for your helpful comments!
God Bless !
P.S. I found the Edit button ! :)


stick around here for a while and you will surely learn alot.. i would suggest a book that helped me out alot when i started out. The Consientious Marine Aquarist.... great book and i think everyone should read it!!! good luck getting it going... you'll be glad you took it slow when you see results. :)


Active Member
I am pleased to see you seem to have the right attitude, although some mistakes ahve been made, you are listening to comments well and acknowledging changes have to be made! Too often people are too biggoted and self righteous to realise mistakes and that is at the expense of the fish!
All the best!


Okay, Okay ...I think you guys have firmly broke me in !
(None to gently I might add, but I am a big boy.....)
Question: How much airation (theres that word again)
is enough?
Presently, I have both the power head and the skimmer sucking as much air as possible (Stems from my fishing excursions when trying to keep 12 dozen live shrimp kicking !)
My tank looks as if I got a scuba diver in there !!!
Also, does / will / could the added oxygen help to remove ammonia from the tank as the tank cycles, i.e. lessen the stress on these poor fish who are stuck with this new owner ? ( I know... it needs to build up the little Nitrite Bacterias and the Nitrate Bacterias):rolleyes: