Newbie's 20G


heart & sole

Im going to suggest you read these threads before you jump into any other adventures with your tank. They will set you up with the basic knowledge of saltwater tanks. If you have questions about the stuff in the threads im sure people on the board will answer them for you.


New Member
I just started out in december,like most have told you everyone has there own opp in saltwater tanks. Its the truth each one of us has a diffrent set up and no one can say what will die and what will live for the most part. basicaly you will buy what you want take in all the advice keep what you think is good and blow off what you think is chrap and heck later on you may see that the chrap was the truth. Good luck have fun and welcome to a empty bank account:)


Active Member
You did a nice job of stacking your LR, it looks very nice. Your lighting fixture is sufficient for some mushroom corals, which will look nice and are almost impossible to kill. I would never recommend to anyone to cycle with a fish (i cycled with 4 damsels, 1 lived but had to be removed because he was an a$$hole) Since you seem intent on keeping her, if she makes it through the cycle try and add your other fish but don't be to surprised if she tries to kill them and you have to take her back. (it's worth a shot, you never know) Out of curiosity, how is that skilter working for you? Does it produce much foam? Don't forget to wash out the filter cartridge often, or bacteria will settle on it and cause it to go biological, become a nitrate factory, and cause algae problems. (your LR is your biological filter now)


New Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
You did a nice job of stacking your LR, it looks very nice. Your lighting fixture is sufficient for some mushroom corals, which will look nice and are almost impossible to kill. I would never recommend to anyone to cycle with a fish (i cycled with 4 damsels, 1 lived but had to be removed because he was an a$$hole) Since you seem intent on keeping her, if she makes it through the cycle try and add your other fish but don't be to surprised if she tries to kill them and you have to take her back. (it's worth a shot, you never know) Out of curiosity, how is that skilter working for you? Does it produce much foam? Don't forget to wash out the filter cartridge often, or bacteria will settle on it and cause it to go biological, become a nitrate factory, and cause algae problems. (your LR is your biological filter now)
Thanks for the comment and if I was to do it all over again I would not have used a Damsel to cycle my tank.
At this point I am not sure the skilter is working because there hasn't really been any crap to skim. The foam is nice and clean and the instructions said it could take several weeks before I see anything.
I will clean the filter now.


Active Member
I like the aquascape, looks good. I am suprised that the damsel is living, doenst look sink or anything... hmm hope she pulls through for ya! just make sure you dont rush things or you will end up spending much much much more money than you needed too! lol


First of all nice work on the rock! It looks great. I think with something as small as a 20g you will be fine with with the skilter, especially with your sand bed and rock, which will eventually aid in the filtration. You won't see much waste in your skimmer for a while because there really aren't any dissolved organics as of yet. That will be a sign that your tank is starting to cycle. Get a marine basic test kit (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH) and test twice daily (right after lights on and before lights off). You will see certain trends that will tell you how your cycle is going, which is VERY important.
Like mentioned earlier, mushrooms would look well in that tank, will work well with the above-mentioned fish, and are very hardy and ideal for beginners. Of course don't add for a while AFTER your cycle completes.
You've been through the ringer about the damsel, just my .02, let it die. Damsels are the biggest pain in the A$$.