newby looking for some advice


I am new to the saltwater hobby. I recently inherited a reef tank and purchased another tank which I believe is considered and aggressive tank. On to my question :notsure: I purchased fish for my tank in this order"
damsels 5 months ago
got rid of all but one black and white striped guy who seems to be faster than me about two months ago
Got an undulated trigger given to me the next day,
two weeks later bought a lion fish and a clown trigger.
I am listing the order as I have been told that order placed in a tank is important.
So all the four fish have been living quite contentedly for the past month. Being fed well, etc. However, today when I got home I saw that the clown was dead and a big chunk has been eaten out of him. Is it possible that he died on his own and the other fish ate him after? Water quality is spot on. Or did someone attack him and kill him? Any thoughts out there? Thanks


Active Member
THat is a downright explosive combination of fish. An undulated and clown trigger are doomed together, and neither is suitable with a lionfish.
The minimum tank size, IMO, to keep a clown OR an undulated would be in the 250g range.
What size tank is this?


Active Member
Yeah, the size of tank is really important. It is also important to look at a compatibility chart as well as the minimum size tank suggested along w/how big the fish is projected to get. I don't know anything about those fish so I don't have any more specific advice than what is listed above.


Active Member
agreed those fish in one tank will not last long.... undulated being the worst and meanest of all triggers will deffinately run on the clown and lion in time
and also those are larger fish needing lots of swimming room....
u did how ever come to the right place people here can helpn u alot


The tank is a 60 hex. It was the first tank I bought, boy have I already learned a lot, but apparently not enough. I love my lion fish, I want to have two-three fish total in there. What do you suggest I put with it. That is after the Indulated disappears?


depending on how u have to feed the lion. i hated my lion and i would go a whole different route. if your not having any corral theres a million other fish that look awsome. the lion i had would eat nothin but live guppies.


I do not have any corals, I have a reef tank for that. just some live rock (50 lbs.) and live sand. My lion is definitely a keeper, the whole family love him. He eats any meaty thing I put in there including frozen silverside, shrimp, and now krill, right out of my hand. Anyways, what other colorful, cool fish would you recommend? I thought about some puffers.


Active Member
Puffers may also nip at the fins. What kind of lion is this? To be honest, I know it sounds strange, but that is a small tank, with a less than ideal "footprint." It is quite possibly too small for many lions, and certainly for many of the fish you could put in there with one (eg much too small for tangs, IMO). That is a tough one.