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Fire Shrimp and Anemone Crab
The fire shrimp is smaller than it looks
The anemone crab is missing a lot of legs and a claw, that's what I bought him. he's really tiny too, so hopefully they grow back soon!



Well-Known Member

Is it just me???

I always buy perfect specimens...rescues are for dogs and kittens. I read all kinds of post where folks rescue sick corals, critters missing limbs and fish that are so thin you know they aren’t eating.
I always thought damaged critters were a liability to the whole tank, am I wrong?
Roadie996...The fire shrimp is way cool...but the cheap can come out expensive if you buy critters that are damaged or sick. JMO I guess.


Active Member
There is a difference between "damaged" and "sick". Either way, it is acceptable to bring both home, but "sick" would require a HT/QT and to be kept away from the main tank and/or any other inhabitants. But I have read numerous stories of people bringing home corals/livestock that were on the brink of death, and then turn them around completely with a little tlc.


Only the crab was missing some limbs. I'm assuming from being shipped in the same container as other Nem crabs. he has since molted and I'm waiting for him to resurface! hopefully with some new legs! hahaha, he is funny to watch swim and hold onto the rock base in the current.
thanks for the compliments!