newly aggressive clown!!!!



Ok so I did a water change last week and all was well in the tank
BUT i went to do another tonight and the damn percula clown was attacking my hand
I actually had to take him out of the tank because he was biting me so much

I have a sixline wrasse who is doing ok with him but i had lost my bangaii cardinal and was looking to buy a new fish in a week or so
sooooo what do I do now? the clown was never aggressive before
so now can I even buy another fish??
I wanted to add a lawnmower blenny and possibly another pretty fish like a midas blenny or some kind of wrasse
any thougts?? should I even attempt to add a fish and if the fish listed are not ok what does anyone suggest??


Active Member
Has he been aggressive to other fish...or just your hand? Everytime I stick my hand in the tank, mine gets up a running start and pegs me like a cannon, but it's a territorial thing, I think. But she's not too aggressive with other fish, just my hand.


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
Ok so I did a water change last week and all was well in the tank
BUT i went to do another tonight and the damn percula clown was attacking my hand
I actually had to take him out of the tank because he was biting me so much

I have a sixline wrasse who is doing ok with him but i had lost my bangaii cardinal and was looking to buy a new fish in a week or so
sooooo what do I do now? the clown was never aggressive before
so now can I even buy another fish??
I wanted to add a lawnmower blenny and possibly another pretty fish like a midas blenny or some kind of wrasse
any thougts?? should I even attempt to add a fish and if the fish listed are not ok what does anyone suggest??
This is not at all uncommon. You were invading his/her territory. He could be in the process of becoming a she. The clown won't bother fish that don't come near his/her spot. QT the new fish and boost his immune system. If he does take a bite he will be able to heal himelf.


In the future try not to punish the fish for doing what comes natural,you should be wearing a rubber glove when you stick your hand into the tank and you wouldnt even feel the fish biting. Your hands hold all manner of contaminants from soap and makeup/perfume to oils in your skin or residue from filling your gas tank earlier in the day. They may seem minor but there is no way for a lot of substances to be broken down and removed from the system so they will build up and eventually become lethal. Most clowns are very territorial and will become quite aggressive. Most fish learn to keep their distance from the clown's turf. They can be quite tolerant of some fish but nasty towards others. If you are thinking of another fish think about another clown that is the same species as yours,I would try and get one that is either smaller or larger than yours,they will pair up more easily.


Active Member
i agree with shootist, except that very end.
if you get another clown, make sure it is smaller. if a clown is left in the tank by itself (or even with another) it will turn female. if you put a larger female in they will fight to the death. make sure any clown addition is smaller to make sure it is not female.


oh i kno they can be aggressive but it was just funny the complete change especially when im trying to pick another fish to add
now if I do add another clown will i still be able to add another fish later on if i choose? or will they gang up n go crazy.
will a pair make them more aggressive to me?
Thanks so much for the input everyone!!


Active Member
Both of mine dont stop destroying my hand when its in the tank. But they are nice to other fish.


Active Member
my pair attacks my hand whenever I go near the cup coral they are hosting, but they have never nipped at another fish, just keep a close eyes, if anything would harass a new arrival my money would be on the six line.