next fish for 40 gal, many questions



I have a 40 gal FO tank that has been going strong for 6 months. it currently has 1 three striped damsel, one royal garama, one percula clown, each is about 1.5 inches. I would like to add a new fish(s). Either a maroon clown, flame angel, pygmy angel, flame hawk or two more little perculas.
Will putting more than one clown together be a problem? Do angels need live Rock, which I do not have, I have lava rock and coral skeletons. Will a small hawk 2inch eat fish that I have?
40 gallon homemade tank, eheim classic canister filter, prizm skimmer.


New Member
I also have a 40 gal tank with about the same load as you. I have two damsels (one yellow and one yellow tail), a clown, and a coral beauty. I don't know about you, but I feel that my bioload is already pretty high, but that's just me.
If I could add another fish, I would go for the flame angel. The only problem is that they might nip at your corals.
As for the live rock, my coral beauty likes to munch on the live rocks, so it might be a good idea to get some. It'll also help you with your filtration. But if you don't, you can probably supplement with nori or some other type of algae.
I haven't had any experience with adding multiple clowns, so I can't help you on that one.


thanks for the advice on more than one clown fish. I might try an angel to keep diversity. I do not have live rock, but I have lots of lava rock with towers and caves for the fish to hide in. Is this considered live rock if it grows algae on it and my 2 hermits and two snails feed off of it, or does live rock have to be the stuff you buy from Fiji and need powerful lights to have it?
I think I have room for one more fish or two small ones. My filter is good and I change the water about every two weeks.
Would A Flame Hawk be a bad idea, I think they would like hanging out in the rock.