Next fish question......


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I have a 29 gallon rectangle. My thread is in the nano section if you would like to see the development. I have a question about what my next fish should be. It will be my last one. I would like an open outgoing swimming fish, not a bottom dweller. I don't care for banggai much because they just sit there. My stocklist max is being pushed a little by this but I am going slow. I have success so far with all these fish and I know what the risks are so ......I am kind of wavering between a sixline and a coral beauty but the angel might be a bit much......
I do not plan on adding quickly so if it will be a long time before I can get it let me know what you think anyway....And...all the fish are quite small as of right now.
current stocklist:
lawnmower blenny
clown goby
green mandarin
pair of ocellaris (it will be when i get the second on this week)
and the next one should be.......??????
I really cannot decide at me out.


How long have you had your tank? How much live rock? I dont think i have enough space ro money for a manderin :(.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joe____17
How long have you had your tank? How much live rock? I dont think i have enough space ro money for a manderin :(.
the tank is very new. Started on Valentine's day. I never had a cycle at all because the rock was all live. It has 30 pounds of lr. I have added about a fish a week since the levels tested normal on the second week. My levels have all been normal. I know I know...normal is not specific.
i also have some xenia and a couple zoos......that is my concern about the angel...possible nipping....
my mandarin is trained on frozen. i feed ova, preloaded brine and occasionally buy some copepods. i have a little on-the-back refugium as all good...


Active Member
Originally Posted by joe____17
If your mandarin is trained on brine thats fine, i heard its difficult to do is that true?
Well, fortunately for me, he was eating it prior to my purchase. I got the idea from a lfs that I have around my house. They qt all new arrivals with copper prior to selling them and then they train the dragonets to eat ova and brine with an eye dropper. they said some take and some don't. they do not seed more pods in their qt tanks though and they tell the buyers which one they are getting.
i asked them how they do it and they said right away when they come in they put them in a small 10 gallon tank and start feeding them brine. they put it on the bottom and blow it across so it moves. then they combine the ova as well which is far more nutritious and keeps them healthy and fat. oh my gosh, he is prolly my favorite fish tbh.....very outgoing and smart. it does take more time though. I have to baby him with my eye dropper and make sure he eats enough every day. i check his sides to make sure they arent sunken in at all and if his belly isn't fat, i make a second helping of food for him.
beside sparky (he is a boy) do you have any suggestions of a last fish. i am worried about a sixline due to aggressiveness and diet (with the mandarin) and the coral beauty for nipping and possibly size but i think i would like a show fish that was larger.......what does everyone think?


Active Member
Nobody but Joe huh? I am really lost as to what I should put in there....i could do a firefish but I was hoping for something more active and animated. Maybe with an angel or trigger type personality but without the


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I think with a coral beauty you would have alot of problems with bioload...My first question would be do you have a skimmer? If you have a decent skimmer I would consider a twin spot hog or a midas blenny. You could also go with a possum wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
I think with a coral beauty you would have alot of problems with bioload...My first question would be do you have a skimmer? If you have a decent skimmer I would consider a twin spot hog or a midas blenny. You could also go with a possum wrasse.
No, no skimmer....I do have a lot of filtration though. a 60 gallon rated filter with chemipure elite, and carbon, my little refugium, which is rated for 20 gallons and my lr in my tank.
I have never seen a twin spot hog though.......i will have to research. unforunately my LB would never stand for another blenny.....he hates the clown goby and wants to kill him but can't find him. I wouldn't risk it.


Active Member
royal gramma would be a nice fish.
get a skimmer its a different type of filter than what you already have. It would do wonders for your phosphates and nitrates and overall quality of water


Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
royal gramma would be a nice fish.
get a skimmer its a different type of filter than what you already have. It would do wonders for your phosphates and nitrates and overall quality of water
i often hear about how aggressive royal grammas are though......worries me....
okay so what is more aggressive? sixline or royal gramma...


Active Member
i would say that the sixline is more outward aggressive. But the royal gramma will hide and dish it out only if provoked IME. both fish provide a very interesting behavior. My favorite fish for personality is the sixline


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Hmmmmm, well, I have time. do you think the mccoskers would work for what i have so far and be an outgoing personality fish or is it going to be a hider?


I have had both a 6-line and royal gramma. Both were agressive. The Royal was the last addition to my tank and chased my clowns around anytime they swam below the midway point in my tank. The 6-line never bothered the clowns but ate every invert he could and attacked a midas blenny that I added after him. IMO stay away from both. Unfortunately I cant give you any suggestion on a fun mid-reef swimer. I have heard good things about hawkfish?


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Thanks for the info......old much has changed, although I did add another clown goby yesterday. He is a yellow one. We decided to name him I think I will add one more. A black one. I already have a name for him....Keno..I really like them a lot. Surprisingly, my LB, which I had an issue with and green clown goby, has not had any problems with my yellow one. It has seemed to reduce his aggression actually.
I will get some pics put up tonight. He has decided that my duncans are his new house. I thought there was going to be a problem at first because he did take a couple little bites of them but it wasn't really his taste so he spit them out. No other problems since then.....