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I have a skimmer and a little aqua tech HOB filter with the blue carbon filter replacement things. I was reading I should just add some floss to it and take the carbon out completely but IDK.


Originally Posted by Jaodissa
I have a skimmer and a little aqua tech HOB filter with the blue carbon filter replacement things. I was reading I should just add some floss to it and take the carbon out completely but IDK.

That really is a personal choice. I have a sump, so my filtration is completely different, maybe someone else will have better advice.


I wanted a sump I just have no idea where to begin and no where to put it. My stand is crap. It has 3 compartments that are taller than long so a sump just wouldn't fit :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaodissa
I can buy the pods from the LFS for 20 dollars. I don't know how many were in it but I was willing to buy a few each month to support the scooter. (If that was enough)
Make sure you get Tisbe sp or pseudocyclops pods. Tigriopus califoricus are more for target feeding... the others are better at seeding.