Next fish?


We need a little more info like what other fish, type of filtration, and type of system(fo,fowlr,reef). With a 20g you are limited with the number of fish.


i have a false perc clowm, a yellow goby, a red tail pistol, a skunk cleaner, a blue globe urchin, and an ornge branch sponge, in ABOUT a 20g long. also, i have a half reef FOWLRAI. the AI part is and inverts. filtration is a topfin filter. not sure what kind its called, but its the kind with the bag and impeller.


If all is well and stable the I would leave it alone.
If the pull to have another fish is that strong then perhaps the excellent suggestion by Lesleybird may capture your imagination.
If you must then I say a cardinal fish.
Consider a 30 gallon or 55 gallon tank, ahhh more water volume, more fish, more rocks, more sand. You see how easy it is to escallate into this addictive hobby. :)


Active Member
Why don't you just get a mate for your clown. Right now I have 2 percs, a yellow watchman and a scarlet cleaner in my 20 doing great. All fish are juveniles though.


I didn't know your tank size when I replied and said dwarf angel. I'd change to a Royal Gramma. They are awesome!


Active Member
The safest advice to give is to tell you not to add anything else. That said, in a tank that size you need an animal that doesn't need much space. Dwarf angels need more than 20g. Adding another clown could be really tough at this point, because the one you have has already established the whole tank as it's territory. There is a very likely chance the new clown would get destroyed by the one you have now (I know, it doesn't seem aggressive at all, believe me they ARE aggressive towards other clowns). I selected a cardinal fish. They don't need much space, and are docile. Another choice is a firefish, look into them, the only concern is it may not get along with your other goby. After those choices, I'd stick with some other kind of invert, maybe a serpent starfish.


Jezz people, maybe she/he doesn't want a bigger tank. Maybe she/he can't afford one, who knows. For a lot of people dropping a $1000(at least) just isn't feasable.:rolleyes: All she/he wants is some help on a tough choice.
I say go with a sixline wrasse, great personality, swims alot and stays small.


Active Member
I agree with Squishy. It would be best to have a larger system to accomodate all those fish plus any more that you would like to add.
I would not put an angel of any kind into a 20 gallon tank. They, like tangs, need lots of room to swim.
If you are adamant about keeping the 20 and adding something to it, I would say add a chocolate chip starfish. They are fun to watch and would be great to have in a non-reef setup like you have. I have 2 FOWLRs, both have a CC star. Mr. Chips and Patrick Star. :D