bigarn: If a rooster layed eggs on the peak of a roof which way would the eggs roll ... left or right? Neither....roosters don't lay eggs.
If a plane crashed right on the border line of the U.S. and Canada where would the survivors be buried? You don't bury survivors.
shinobi9119: do you play Go? Nope
Do you know what Go is?Nope
Would you like to play a game of Go with me?Depends on what GO is.
have you ever had cake batter ice cream? Yes
Is it good? It's ok
should I try it? I think everyone should try something once.
Ever been to Red Robin? Nope
your opinion on tea? I love it! Don't drink too much though because it drops
your iron count and I donate blood regularly.
do you enjoy this thread? Yes, I do. Wish more people would post questions.
what is the weirdest hitchhiker you have had in ur tank? The mysterious crab that leaves his moltings and have never actually seen.
whats the best? My baby green ricordeas! I have 3.
Ever have anything really bad in there? Other than my evil goldstriped maroons that killed my cleaner