Next step?


Ok guys, thanks to your previous help and thorough reading i have a pretty good grasp on what to do next but i just want to check. My tank stats are as follows:
aquaclear 70 power filter
maxijet 900 ph (235 gph)
aragonite sand substrate (2-3")
temp 80
salt mix is coralife
no life as of yet
so i have had 10 lbs of previously cured LR (got it from LFS, had a bunch or coralline on it but some is white die off) in the tank to start the cycle and it has been there for a little over a week. i have seen the ammonia and nitrite spike and now both read 0 but nitrates still are at 30ppm. i also got two tiny worms (pink in color) as hitchhikers which is pretty cool.
Today i got a shipment of 45lbs fiji (although some of it realy looks like tonga branch so i am semi upset about that) and added it into the tank after rinsing each piece in saltwater. to my suprise my aquascape looks really good and i was sure to dig the pieces in so they touch the bottom. My questions are these:
Should I see a small ammonia spike eventhough the rock is pre-cured? i am assuming yes b/c of shipping die off)
When would be a good time for a water change?
I have ordered an Aqua C remora skimmer and another powerhead (ehiem compact, 190 gph). when do i begin to run the skimmer and will it help with nitrate levels?
I have read that i should wait till the levels have stabilized at 0 for 2 weeks before adding inverts/clean-up crew, is this correct?
How long would you expect the tank to take to accept the new rock?
i know this is long but i figured i would keep it to one post instead of many!!
thanks for the help in advance.

sinner's girl

i have seen the ammonia and nitrite spike and now both read 0 but nitrates still are at 30ppm.
Nitrates won't go lower till you do a water change.
Should I see a small ammonia spike eventhough the rock is pre-cured? i am assuming yes b/c of shipping die off)
You may. if there was die off during shipping.
When would be a good time for a water change?
I'd wait to see if you get any ammonia from the lr. but you could have done one before adding it. Once Ammonia and nitrites are zero you can do a water change. You'll want your nitrates below 20 before adding fish/inverts.
I have ordered an Aqua C remora skimmer and another powerhead (ehiem compact, 190 gph). when do i begin to run the skimmer and will it help with nitrate levels?
water changes, proper filtration, lr, not overfeeding or over stocking will help nitrates levels. No clue about a skimmer because I don't have one.
I have read that i should wait till the levels have stabilized at 0 for 2 weeks before adding inverts/clean-up crew, is this correct?
sounds good. Make sure you do a water change before adding them, I'd wait a few days after water change, test water then if all is good then add inverts.
How long would you expect the tank to take to accept the new rock?
Not sure I understand the question.
Good luck, glad to see you asking questions and not just jumping in!


sorry, to clarify i meant how long will it take on average for pre-cured live rock (shipped) to acclimate so that i can do a water change?

sinner's girl

I'd give it a few days, then test the water. Did it smell any?


suprisingly enough there was no foul odor. i was expecting it but none. the pieces needed to be rinsed and some gravel/sand and other things washed off (no hitchhikers that i could see) but no foul odor. i take it that means that there isnt a lot of die off?

sinner's girl

correct, it will smell if there is a lot of die off. I would still wait a few days then test the water, waiting never hurts.


yes, tap water is a big problem. I started my 55 with tapwater (this is before i found this website...
). Anyway, i still get a LOT of brown gooky stuff on my sand... i have to do weekly water changes and siphon this yucky algae off the bottom, and this is all a result of tap water...
The aqua c pro is probably one of the best skimmers out there! Great choice!!!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
yes, tap water is a big problem. I started my 55 with tapwater (this is before i found this website...
). Anyway, i still get a LOT of brown gooky stuff on my sand... i have to do weekly water changes and siphon this yucky algae off the bottom, and this is all a result of tap water...
The aqua c pro is probably one of the best skimmers out there! Great choice!!!

i have a culligan water conditioning place near me that i work with. should i go there to get it and do weekly water changes of 25% or will that be too much at once? i guess the prime or other water conditioning treatments dont work? damn LFS


they work, but not all the way. It's like how birth control works, or condoms.... 97% of the time... lol. It eliminates some of the dissolved minerals, but not all of them.
After your tank is done cycling, you should do 10% water changes at a time.
You can either get a RO system, or buy RO water. If your water conditioning place sells RO water, i'd get it from there. I personally use RO water from Walmart. It's in the same area as the drinks, and is called "drinking water". It's been processed by RO units, and also has a calcium additive (which is great, because RO water tends to have a lot less calcium than normal water... i guess just a part of being filtered so well...) It's $0.64 a gallon, however. I'm planning on calling the manufacturere and seeing if i can get a bulk rate discount, and have it shipped to me... i use about 40 gallons a month! (i also have a chinese water dragon that i use this water for.)

sinner's girl

NEVER add anything to your tank you can't test for.
since you don't have fish or inverts yet, I think 25% would be safe.
I don't know if the prime and other water conditionars work or not, I've never used them on sw, but people who use tap tend to have problems with one thing or another.
Water cost .33 cents a gallon,, at least at the culligan water station at my walmart.
I'd do about 5 25% water changes, or if you don't mind the possiblity of a mini cycle, do 50%, then 50%. then wait, test your water, if your levels are you good you can add fish/inverts, use ro/di water for all water changes and top off water. it'll save you headaches in the futures.
I'm about to go to walmart to fill up my gallon jugs. One day, I'll have a house and I'll more a better way to do water changes.