
Active Member
Darth could be worse for me. At least this time I did not go thru the walls Like I have in the past. Put it to you this way. In my Garage I am getting ready to start Construction of a Model RR something I have been into since I was 6 well the Staging Yard is in my Breezeway. I do not need to drill a hole for the trackwork I already made it with my 4th of July Seizure I had last year. I live with it but do not let anything that has happened to me run my life at all. So I am Divorced Big DEAL. At least I am not my Brother that has been divorced 3 times. My policy on life is this whatever does not kill me makes me Stronger.




Active Member
Epilepsy is something I live with. At least I am better off than some of my other Firends with it. One of them he can not get out of the Nursing home and has to wear a Football Helment every place he goes. Me I will take the sometime smack my head.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006 http:///forum/thread/383254/nfl-playoffs#post_3350804
Pulling for the Bears tat way the IDIOTS in Denver can go we got rid of Cutler for Orton who we BENCHED. We are not even in the freaking Playoffs he has a chance to make the Superbowl next week. That and I can not stand the freaking Packers hoping we get a repeat of their Meltdown game from early this year were they had 19 Penalties against the Bears.
Da Bears!!! 20 - 17