Hello All. I'm in NH where we just had the bad icestorm. Lost power for three days. We had a generator that we had not used yet. Lost power Friday 12am, husband was able to get generator up and running Friday afternoon. Had tank, pellet stove some lamps, ect hooked up to it. We dont have it hard wired to the house yet. We went out to dinner Friday night and turned the generator off until we got home. When we got home generator started, but would not put out any electricity. We looked over this thing for hours trying to see if we tripped a fuse, ect. Went without power Friday night. House dropped to the low 40's. Saturday morning my fish were all dead and most of my corals looked like they had all melted. We purchased another generator (by some miracle we found one when everyone was sold out!). Got the heat and tanks up and running again. Long weekend and very sad one! Most of my corals have actually pulled through, but I had one leather (my favorite), not sure what kind it is. Havent been ever able to find it on this site or any other. Similar to a toad stool but VERY large with ruffled edge and flower polyp extentions on it. This leather is completely deflated and sagging. The head does appear to be desintegrating. I am doing 5 gallon daily water changes to siphoning the parts of this coral that are falling off. Should I cut the head off and keep the base in hopes of regeneration or should I just be done with it and throw it out? Tried to post a pic but my internet wont let me right now. I will try again in a little bit. I have a satelite internet and we are expecting snow tonight, so that generally means bad connection!