Nickle Plated Magnets


I am doing a skimmer mod for my NC24. Magnets are necessary to hold the assembly in place. they are very small, 3/16 diameter and .065 thick. My question is are they safe? I know glass scrubbers are magnets, but I want to make sure.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
I don't know how well nickel holds up in saltwater, but I wouldn't trust putting bare metal into saltwater for long-term. Plus, I know that nickel is often used in a copper-nickel alloy, and I would be afraid of copper contamination if this were the case of these magnets.
The magnets used for cleaning are incapsulated, typically in epoxy.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jacksdad
Also what about the magnets in powerheads. What type are they?
Ferrous oxide coated with epoxy.
Coat the magnets very well. Even a drop of saltwater will corrode magnets really quickly.