Nick's 24 gallon Aquapod


OK so I decided to dump my 30 gallon Eclipse 2 tank for the 24 gallon Aquapod with the MH.
Bought it today and there is no instructions.
I see there is a pump on the back left and bioballs with a bag of something on the right with 2 blue sponges. Anyone have a quick second to describe what I do? :help: Thanks!
Also, the 30 gallon is up for sale if anyone wants it, with stand and hood: $150. Cleveland, OH area.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ncarvain
OK so I decided to dump my 30 gallon Eclipse 2 tank for the 24 gallon Aquapod with the MH.
Bought it today and there is no instructions.
I see there is a pump on the back left and bioballs with a bag of something on the right with 2 blue sponges. Anyone have a quick second to describe what I do? :help: Thanks!
Also, the 30 gallon is up for sale if anyone wants it, with stand and hood: $150. Cleveland, OH area.
The blue sponge goes where the water overflows into the back of the tank, you can put the bio balls in the compartment next to it, and the carbon can go in the last compartment before the return pump.


Hey thanks for the quick response! I think I have things figured out.
I am looking to start a reef tank, should I take out the bag of ceramic biomedia?


yEs Lose the ceramic rings. You dont need them just pack it full of ive rock & left that be your filter.


Question for all you 24 g aquapod with MH: does the back section where the blue sponges and pump are located have a cover or hood? Mine did not come with anything and is just open to the water, seems weird. Is that how yours is?

Also, have 20lbs in the tank right now, and putting in another 20 tomorrow, hope it wont be too full. But the question is bioballs or no bioballs?? :thinking:


Active Member
Get rid of everything out of the back except the pump and carbon. No sponges or bioballs: all they will do is get filthy, pollute your water, and make a huge mess if you leave them in and take them out later.


Bio balls are histoty but isnt the sponge ok for a mechanical filter? I am planning on taking them out weekly and cleaning them.


First pics of my tank... pretty boring so far, just the 20 lbs of live rock.

Am getting another 20 lbs of live rock tomorrow and waiting for my nitrites to drop, they are at 5.0+ ppm .



OK so let me get this straight (sorry for being such a newbie, but I want to do this right the first time). The aquapod came with bioballs, 2 blue sponges and a bag of ceramic rings, not sure if they are carbon or what. Should I take all 3 of these things out and use my LR and LS as the filters? I have 20 lbs of LS and 40 lbs of LR.
Thanks for the help everyone!!


Active Member
Yes. Take it all out.
If the aquapod did not come with carbon, you would benefit by going out and buying a big container of activated carbon by a trusted brand name such as Black Diamond, Aqua-Tech, etc. and placing about three cups full in a white lady's pantyhose stocking. Tie a loose knot in the stocking and wash it underneath the sink tap water first to get all of the dust out, then place it in the back chamber of the tank. Replace the carbon once a month.
The stockings come in the little plastic cup containers that are used to dispense toys from gumball type machines. You can buy these at any Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or Target in the Women's clothing area.


Cool thanks Bonebrake! I added my LR today and moved my Maxijet to the back left corner. I will take a shot and post it here tonight once my water clears up.


Active Member
No problem.
I would say carbon is essential in nano tanks lacking skimmers because it binds DOCs or dissolved organic compounds. DOCs are the by products of the food and waste not consumed by other creatures in the tank. The only way to keep up with them in a nano is weekly water changes and religious changing of the carbon.
Keep us updated!


Here is a shot of my second phase of LR. Now have about 40+ lbs.
Does it look too crowded / should I rearrange?? :notsure: I have a lot of nice tunnels and caves in there but am worried I might never see any shrimps or bottom dwelling fish I might put in. Let me know what you think!! ***)
Its weird, with 40 lbs of LR, absolutely no hitchhikers came with them?? :notsure:


You may see hitchhikers later on. I have a little over 30 lbs in my tank (same thing - 24 gal 'Pod) and I still see a new one every once in awhile! Be grateful though, as you may have received a harmful hitchhiker! I got a sundial snail on mine, thankfully I knew what it was and got it out before it did any damage. Tank looks good though. I took out the bioballs on my tank, I still have the ceramic rings (I think, I havent stuck my hand in the back yet to see for sure) and I still have the sponge. I plan on taking that out eventually (when I do a water change, and the levels are low) and added some LR rubble back there. I do run an AquaC Remora, which I HIGHLY recommend!! Mine pulls out so much stuff, its amazing, and I really should have purchased one a long time ago! I do a 5 gal water change every 2 weeks. I have slighly high nitrates, but I think thats from over feeding, I am still trying to figure out whats right for 4 fish and a blood shrimp. Anyway, good luck with the tank!


Cool SugarFox, thanks for the post. I am planning on getting that skimmer as well, prob a few weeks away for that. I am still rearranging my rock and think now I have something I can live with. Just tested my nitrite and it looks like it is finally coming down so that is awesome.


Originally Posted by SugarFox03
Be grateful though, as you may have received a harmful hitchhiker! I got a sundial snail on mine, thankfully I knew what it was and got it out before it did any damage.
sorry to barge in......
are there different types of sundial snails..i found one pic of them. mine looks sorta similar...just not in color. i have a 12g pod and have been running the lights and now have major case of diatoms (sp) But i found this really cool looking snail in there. right now all i have is lr and ls and 5 hermit crabs...can you give more info on the sundial snail please.


Active Member
This is a personal choice, but you may want to leave enough clearance all around your glass for your cleaning magnet to get through. If some of the rocks get too close to the glass you'll a get a build up of crud that won't be very attractive, but some people like it that way and only keep the front panel clean.
The rock looks fantastic!


Pretty much done cycling...looking to get a clean up crew soon, can't wait as I love shrimps and pretty much all inverts

My LFS has three nice pygmy angels that I am very interested in. Which one does everyone think would work in my tank, keep in mind I want to get a clown eventually, but the angels are a coral beauty, lemonpeel and a flame angel.
Had a coral beauty once and had luck with it, but the flame is my dream fish, and the lemonpeel is also very nice. What do you think??
After doing a little research, think my nano might be too small, which sucks.

Any thoughts??