Nick's 24 gallon Aquapod


Well, just picked up my clean up crew or at least the first phase of it...
I got:
1 Cleane Shrimp
1 Gold Copper Banded Shrimp
3 Zebra Hermits
3 Blue Hermits
5 Turbo Snails
The Gold CBS is really cool and small, I have never seen a gold one before. I is hiding somewhere in the back of my tank, might not see him too much which kinda stinks.
So far so good... :hilarious


Active Member
I would say either the flame angel or the lemonpeel would be ok in a 24, however, I would not get the coral beauty. They really like to swim in long tanks and do not spend much time in the rockwork like the flame and lemon, so I don't think a coral beauty would do as well. It sounds like you're off to good start!


Well, looks like I need to slow down already or something. My cleaner died and Im not sure why?? Have not tested nitrates but would not imagine that they are high?? Thats the only thing that could be out of whak.. although my temp is on the high side at 82. DAMN!!


Just wondering how you guys like the 24 gallon aquapod ...been thinking about getting one for x-mas......Starting out with a 10 gollon and want something bigger but nothing huge( no space in my town house with 2 kids , a dog, and a cat. With no basement on top of it . thanks for helping :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I love my AquaPod. Even though I wish I would have gone slightly larger. I have practially replaced everything that tank came with stock, so I paid $225 for a 24 gal cube tank. If you plan on keeping any corals that need a lot of light, or anemomes or a clam, than don't bother with the getting the tank, because the lights will need to be replaced ( = expensive!) I spent $300 on my MH + actinics fixture. But if you only want to keep soft corals, then go for it!
And Tazsbaby - I just know the black and white snail I found was not a good one. I believe they prey on other tank inhabitants.


It sounds to me like you are going way to fast. Did you just finish adding the live rock on the 17th, and then bought a whole clean up crew on the 19th? If so, you are moving way to fast. The secret to being successful in this hobby is patience. When I added my live rock, I let the tank run with the rock in there for like 6 weeks. By waiting and being patient in establishing the tank, your tank will be much more stable and everything will do much better later on. Do you own a test kit to test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, etc? If not, you should get one right away and test your water. If ammonia or nitrite are present, then they will kill any of you clean up crew that is left.
I know its hard, but slow down and let your tank equilibrate. Once ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate read zero, then you can SLOWLY begin to add invertebrates. Then wait a few more weeks and then add your first fish. Then, you should wait 6-8 weeks before you add your next fish. Maybe post your fish list on this site and people will give you advice on your fish choices. I also have the 24 gallon aquapod. I have 2 clowns and a bicolor blenny.
Good luck


Sac, I appreciate the advice, but most of my LR was in way before the 17th and I test my water all the time. Ammonia and Nitrite were both 0 and now my nitrate is at 10, so I thought i was ok to go. I think maybe where I messed up is my acclimation process. I will follow what you say and keep reminding myself to GO SLOW!!
Actually I just found my CBS and he is doing fine!!
He molted and it was his shell that I saw, he was just hiding in back and when I moved stuff around, I saw him. Checked all my water levels again and everything seems perfect so maybe it was my acclimation process. I will need to work on that and move a little slower when I get a new addition.


Active Member
Almost every time you add a shrimp to a different tank it will molt, regardless of how established the tank is.