Niger and Humu Humu



I tried to mix the two months back with no luck. My picasso was established in a 120, and I tried to add my niger in with it. The picasso would have killed it if I did not remove it, which I did. Hope yours get along a little better than mine did.

crypt keeper

Active Member
My Picasso and my Hawaiian Puffer are best friends. They go everywhere together. Eat together. Its odd actually. They were added about a week apart. Picasso was first. The puffer is a relaxed fish. Just swims around doing his own thing and the picasso follows. They run into each other alot and just ignore it and keep going. No territory issues. Hopefully the niger doesnt have an attitude and all will be well. My picasso has showed zero signs of agression toward any other fish


i relly wanna see how this works out bc when i finally do know when im gonna upgrade i would deff like to give this a try.... best of luck to you

crypt keeper

Active Member
Well good news. Its been 10 days now. The Niger is still eating like a pig. Has not developed any issues. Acclimated to the QT very well actually. Very active fish.
How many more days do you all think I have left to go? I normally do between 3 and 4 weeks. Figure around two more weeks to go.
Yes or no on that time frame with these fish?

small triggers

Active Member
I would say about a week more, triggers tend to be very hardy and easily show if they have ICH within the first 2 weeks. Good thing your huma is bigger since the nigers grow alot faster. You will def. want a bigger tank in about a year and a half to 2 years down the road.


when i had both my humu humu and

trigger together in my 55 they both got along fine the whole time they were together. both were extremely active fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
I would say about a week more, triggers tend to be very hardy and easily show if they have ICH within the first 2 weeks. Good thing your huma is bigger since the nigers grow alot faster. You will def. want a bigger tank in about a year and a half to 2 years down the road.
Well Im getting ready to build an in wall tabk. I canceled my order from tenecor. I plan on doing a 200 but long and wide not very tall sort of like the 240 on this site. That will give them way more swimming room.

el guapo

Active Member
I am glad your enjoying the combo . Like I said before I absolutely love mine. When I bought the niger it was almost the same size as the humu humu was and just in the few months I have had them he is already bigger than the humu humu . He is even fatter . So your little guy should catch up and pass your humu humu in no time at all .

crypt keeper

Active Member
Its been 20 days. Im getting anxious. Somebody say jump. Nothing has shown up. It runs around mt QT tank like it owns it. Eats like a pig. Im thinking its time to be acclimated and added to my main tank and then go buy another fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Well I put the niger in my DT. It is happy. He ran away from the Humu but then came out they get along. I then went up to my LFS to grab some corals and a goby for my nano. There was a gorgeous blue throat about 3 inches for sale in the guys main display tank. He said he needed it gone because he didnt like they way the fish look. The fish has been in his main tank for months. $20.00 later Its acclimatings right now. Safe to drop in my DT?
I saw others on here with a niger and blue throat. He told me he had a blue throat and humu humu together. Good mix for all 3? Maybe I should had asked earlier. But $20 I couldnt pass it up.

small triggers

Active Member
<- niger, blue throat, picasso, & clown (and about 6 other fish in my 150g) They all get along fine for now. the niger will grow twice as fast as the other triggers though. and my clown will eventually go crazy. And its a good idea to get going on your new tank ASAP with 3 triggers in the 90,,, they could need more room sooner than later now.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
<- niger, blue throat, picasso, & clown (and about 6 other fish in my 150g) They all get along fine for now. the niger will grow twice as fast as the other triggers though. and my clown will eventually go crazy. And its a good idea to get going on your new tank ASAP with 3 triggers in the 90,,, they could need more room sooner than later now.
at the clown remark.
I just bought a 75. I will put the Blue throat in there for a little bit while Im setting up the other if you think that they wont be comfortable for about 10 months. It would be the only fish in the 75 for a few months. It should be fine in there being its only a few inches right now. I believe its a female. Not very bright coloration.
I plan on a 220 wide and long not tall and short. That will give these guys plus the two angels and possibly male blue throat that I plan on a decent amount of room.
I also gave my SFE to a friend. He begged me for it and I lost interest in the eel. I have officially turned trigger crazy!
My 220 stock list woill be.
M/F Blue Throat
Humu Humu
Emperor Angel
Blue Face Angel
No eels. Just fish. Should be plenty for the 6. Yah or Nah?

small triggers

Active Member
sounds good to me :) I cant wait to start building my house, then ill have a true trigger haven for them to live out their lives minus the clown (hopefully a 500g ish) I think your plans sound great. If the triggers arent to large, and you have sufficent LR for them to hide in, they could all be in the 90g together. The only problem with having them in seperate tanks for almost a year is they could have problems when you put them in the 220, could not to say they would. I would be more apt to put them all together.

crypt keeper

Active Member
well you see how small the niger is. The humu humu is maybe a 1/2 inch longer and a little thicker. The Blue throat is at most 3 1/2 inches. It is bigger than both but these fish are very small compared what they can attain. I wouldnt even call them Juvi's yet.
Its just the 4 fish. I have plenty of rock. Im a firm believer on rock and sand. I have about 100 pounds. I moved it around some and built three caves that look like a bear den the fish can swim into at night. The niger and humu humu like fools actually share one.
I actually dropped my camera in the tank yesterday as I was trying to take pictures. I moved a piece of rock because it looked like it was getting ready to fall over and then plop went my camera. I grabbed it instantly but the damage was done. I opened it up and its been drying. Have to wait to see what happens.