Niger Fangs


Active Member
Just depends on size.... If you buy a large one it might already have them. If you buy a small one then it might take a year or two.


Active Member
I have a huge niger, and I have no clue what you guys are talking about, I don't see any red fangs, just normal teeth.
how big is a "huge niger." I find an 8 inch trigger to be huge IMO, but I still dont think that the nigers grow fangs at that size. I thought I remember someone saying they got them when they were around a foot long. not sure, correct me if im wrong


Active Member
Well, then I have to retract my huge comment, my niger is only about 5inches, and he is huge to me. A foot, that is crazy!


Bought a large Niger a few weeks back and it has nice red fangs. However I payed $90
They labeled then Vampire Triggers. Funny as I asked if they were Niger and the LFS sayed - No! They are a different species.
Either way I took it home and he is awesome. Tank full of crabs and snails and he has not harmed any of them for weeks.


Active Member
Niger trigger is same as vampire trigger... Sometimes they don't always get the red fangs, but most do. Some just have to be extremely large before they get them. Give the trigger time and all snails and crabs will be gone... they are the biggest natural food source for them in the ocean. I'll try and get a picture of our niger in the 2200 at the store.



Originally posted by Trigger16
Bought a large Niger a few weeks back and it has nice red fangs. However I payed $90

Wow. The red toothed 'Show' Niger at my lfs is $199.00
Its about 7 inches.


Active Member
I thought that was real cheap also, but then remember that "large" is a very broad term. When I hear people say they have a "large" trigger i normally assume it is around 4". And even when considering size, some people don't realize exactly how large a 6 or 7" fish really is. But then again, it also matters where you live. Fish are normally a lot cheaper in California and Florida where most of the distributors are, so LFS's around there don't have to buy the crazy shipping costs that we do up in the midwest/north.


My niger is around 4.5-5" and has red fangs but they are still pretty small. I want him to put on some size so the fangs grow.


I have 3 nigers in my 220. The largest is about 12 inches long, and he has nice fangs. The other two are 9 and 7 inches


when your replying use the attach file box to attach pictures. Can't be over 125000 bytes though. I would love to see the pictures.