Niger keeps hinding>>>>


I bought a Niger yesterday and as soon as I put him in he made a cave under a rock and hasn't came out since. The most I have seen of him was his back half sticking out while he was digging. I know he is still alive because I can see him in the cave. How long will it take him to get use to the tank? The othe fish right now are a Passer Angel and 2 Chromis. I see the Passer keep peeking in at him trying to figure him out but I'm just worried.


Dont be worried, just give him a couple days to adjust then he will always be out. It will take some time for him to settle in, but after he will always be swimming around.


Thats good he came out. I had one for several months and the bugger never swam farther than several inches from a hole in the rock he lived in. Usually if I was in the room, it was in the hole. i eventually brought him back and traded for a lion. Much better fish from my experience, stayed in the open at least.


;) I had a niger and it did the same thing until he felt comfy in his new home. After that he would only hide at night and lay down on his side and actually go to sleep, the first time he did I freaked out cuz I thought he was dead, but he was jus sleeping!! Good luck, Nigers rock!