Niger trigger addition


New Member
I have a 50 gallon corner unit that includes a tomato clown,a coral beauty and a yellow tang. I would like to add a Niger trigger and an emerald serpent starfish. How likely an I to succeed in this addition ? Please advise as I would like to do this as soon as possible. Michael


Active Member
What are the dimensions? I say you should remove the yellow tang since they require swimming room. The Niger will outgrow the tank.


New Member
Rickross,my yellow tang is only 1 1/2 inches long. My clown is 2"'and my coral beauty is about 2". I realize the trigger will get very large,but I plan on setting up a 200 gallon set-up the first of 2013. Will my tank be okay in the interim?


Active Member
What type of filtration fo you have? I suggest GETTING this 200 gallon first. upgrades can be put on hold for many unknown reasons like financial crisises, etc. Always get fish for your tank NOW, not for your future tank.


New Member
Thank you,Rickross! Maybe I should add something small. I was considering some banggai cardinals. Would these be okay? My filtration is a 4 stage Aqueon from Germany with a Prizm foam fractionator and undegravel filters with Penguin power heads. I do 25 percent water changes every week. I replace my filter media,activated carbon,Chemi-pure,Clear Max,Fluval Bio-rings Sea chem De-nitrate and Purigen every month. Your help is greatly appreciated. Michael


Active Member
I want my hands on some bangaiis haha. They Re too expensive by me so I'm hesitating. Spent other ideas for you would be some green chromis, or 2-3 anthias(need to be fed 2-3x daily) what are your tank dimensions?


New Member
Rickross,the dimensions of my tank are- 36"x18"x12"x24"(front)x12"x12". I know these are odd dimensions,but it a custom designed unit from California. It is 16" deep(top to bottom).


New Member
Rickross,yes I have a glass top and a custom oak top(canopy) and matching bottom cabinet that house the filter,air pumps,power transformers,electrical circuit breaker surge protectors,tubing,etc. My filter has a built in UV light(9 watts) and the 4 stage filtration although I use 5 types of media.


New Member
Rickross,I just read that you are the anemone man. Should I provide an anemone,maybe a quarto Olof for my tomato clown ? He kinda hangs around the top of the water and only comes out into the water column when feeding and if I come in the room.


Active Member
What lights do you have? I call myself the anemone man since i love them so much. The glass tops are useless for SW and they trap light and take away some oxygen exchange that is healthy for SW tanks. Anemones require powerful lighting, good water movement, great water parameters and multiple feedings each week. They also enjoy established tanks, but if you have pristine parameters, it doesn't matter how old the tank is.


New Member
Rickross,Good morning ! I have a 400 watt metal halide,2 blue actinic(24") and 2 sun lamp fluorescents(24") and a moonlight,blue and white LED's.I have a 12" space between the light fixture and the glass. I use the glass on top so that the salt spray does not ruin my canopy top.


New Member
Rickross,I am sorry. I thought you were referring to air flow. I have 2 Penguin under gravel power heads that circulate 200gph.


Active Member
Undergravel powerheads? Those are insufficient for SW. If you want coral, you will definitely need a powerhead upgrade. When are you planning this upgrade to the 200g?


New Member
RicKross,I am not planning on adding any coral. I am using the power heads basically for flow and to aerate the substrate.