Niger trigger and humu humu trigger


New Member
I have a niger trigger who is very docile. Recently added a humu humu with a large foxface. The humu humu became aggressive on day two so it was removed. What other types of fish can I have with my niger. The tank is 120 gal. It also has two clowns and three blue damsels. All get along fine. I am looking for larger unique looking fish.... any suggestions?


What about a larger wrasse like a bird wrasse, or harlequin tuskfish? You could probably do a tang also.


well if you dont have any inverts a hawkfish is fun.. they are aggressive but mainly only to small fish and inverts...
Im all for a blue throat trigger, or if you have the money a crosshatch,, both very docile and get along well with just about everyone....
also a sohal, sailfin or kole tang would work (the sohal and sailfin get rather large, llike the niger...)