Niger Trigger Eyes


I just got 2 small nigers for my 125 FOWLR from ***** on Friday. They have been there for a while and I figured if they were healthy enough there then I would be ok. They have been eating like pigs each day, formula 1, 2, and mysis shrimp. The smaller one's eyes are a lil blurry like a blueish tint to the lenses. Are all triggers eyes like this. SOme angels you can tell its there some you cant. He does go under a rock against gravel so maybe does he hurt his eyes. I dont want to medicate, I dont have a sick tank to set up or anything. He seems perfectly healthy, no white spots, doesnt ich and is eating crazy.
Are triggers eyes like this?


Does the eye look like it may be getting cloudy?
I would feed a variety of foods right now that are soaked in vitamins, try to feed 2-3 times per day and offer some greens. You want this triggers diet to consist of greens plus meaty foods, for greens you can feed Fresh frozen peas or broccoli thawed along with nori... Variety is best.
Lets make sure it is not diet, you also want to watch for any changes in the eye, popeye is a possibility, keep your quality up right now.........


I had this same problem once with my Niger trigger but it just went away after a week or two.


Many species of Triggers and Puffers can have a blue/green sheen over their eyes, much like the tint on some sunglasses.
What is bad is when it is a milky white cloudiness.