Niger trigger help

ive had my niger for about 3 1/2 yrs. the last 3 weeks or so he has not been eating and acting as if he has lost sence of smell/sight bumping into everything if he comes out of the rocks at all. most of the time he is wedged in the rocks. he looks healthy eyes are clear coloring is normal but he is now starting to get a little thin. tank mates are yellow tang 3 damsels a clown and a purple pseudo. no new fish in over a yr. tank size is 240 salt is 1.024 ph 8.0 (low i know just added buffer) ammonia 0.25 trites 0 trates between 0-5.0 temp 76-78
any info would be great thanks
when checking on my trigger today i noticed my clown looks really bad (yesterday he seemed fine as well as the others in the tank) i think its Brooklynella not sure if a trigger can get that or not but the clown now seems to not be able to find food when i fed them. the trigger has a spot on his side not sure if its from bumping into things or not but the clown looks like he has a cloudy/patchy film in some spots and half of one fin is white. tried to get a clear pic of both fish but its not so easy. any help??????



Staff member
Can't really see much from the pictures. What are your water readings?


Staff member
The pH is fine, and actually, while you are having ammonia, you should not attempt to raise the pH. Ammonia becomes more toxic the higher the pH.
Why do you have ammonia? I'd say this could be your problem.