Niger trigger, Pinktail trigger Reef safe?


Active Member
I have seen many Pinktails in reefs and not many nigers. Do any of you have pics. I know its the fishes personality that makes it reef safe but I would like a head count before I would add one. Also would a trigger be safe in 125 gallon?


Active Member
I will say you are good to go with a niger trigger. I have had mine in my reef for well over a year in a half with no real issues.


Active Member
Awsome, does he do good with shrimp. I have a cleaner and would like to make sure that he will be fine. If not I will need to find a new home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
I have seen many Pinktails in reefs and not many nigers. Do any of you have pics. I know its the fishes personality that makes it reef safe but I would like a head count before I would add one. Also would a trigger be safe in 125 gallon?
Probably both "reef safe", but not always "community safe". Both get quite large and can potentially be aggressive as they age. Neither will likely eat corals, your crabs and snails may be safe, but maybe not your blenny, clown, or goby, or whatever small fish you may have. My first Niger was great for a few years in my "aggressive tank", then one day my 5 inch Maroon Clown rubbed him the wrong way and within 2 days I had to remove the Maroon or he would have been dead. I think Niger's have a little better reputation than they deserve.
Sargassum, Bluethroat, and Crosshatch are the best bet in a reef community.


I would say that eventhough people say is REEF safe I would watch out for it. They grow big and do you think they wouldn't munch on a shrimp or anything else
? Hermits and snails may be left alone, but as you know Triggers are Triggers.