niger trigger Question


Active Member
No. While a picasso's aggression will greatly increase with age, niger's for the most part are mellow throughout their lives. Bo

reef newbie

I just got my trigger last week and all he dose is hides in the live rock.He only comes out to feed.When will he start to swim all over the tank like a normal trigger ?He's in a 90 gal all by himself for now.


give the little trigger some time to get used to his surroundings, and the surroundings outside of the tank. also, a tankmate wouldn't hurt. my niger used to hide all the time, then i threw in a huma, and he's always out (mostly being greedy with the tank and making sure the huma doesn't go in HIS little caves).
it's so funny, the huma will do all this work to excavate inches of sand from a small opening of a rock to make a nice entrance to a hideout spot, and then my niger will come bully him out, and claim it for his own. i think my niger now has 5 caves he defends, and hasn't put an ounce of work into any of them. poor huma.


Active Member
My niger hid for a while but when more fish were added he became more comfortable. He never hides now.


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It's a wolf eel. Aka carpet blenny. It's really a dottyback and not a moray. Love em' just the same though. Lots of personality and a good eater.:)


Active Member
Current inhabitants:
Volitan's lion 5"
SFE 15"
Wolf Eel 12"
Valentini Puffer 2.5"
Picasso Trigger 3"
Niger Trigger 4"
Red Coris Wrasse 5"
Foxface 5"
Don't plan on adding anything else. Everyone gets along and It's by far our favorite tank.


The niger trigger is alot tameer then most of the triggers in the family,make sure hes alittle bigger tho if you add him in...i have a queen trigger,also a clown triger and a naso tang and an sn eel they all live good together


Active Member
Nope, my puffer is the most laid back of the bunch. Has never caused any problems with any fish.
Don't get me wrong, won't be the last one there when the dinner bell rings, but definitely doesn't bug the others. It's a trait I'm hoping it carries into adulthood:D


Active Member
All fish from LFS just from 3 different stores. I've bought online from here and was happy with my results. Just didn't happen to be aggressive fish.