Niger Trigger stocklist


Okay, I've got a 56 gallon, 30x18x24, I know a niger trigger is a stretch full grown but I was told they grow fairly slowly and I plan on upgrading to a 180+ down the road. I would like some stocklist suggestions from people who have had or do have these guys. I also have a single yellow tail blue damsel in the tank.
One thing I've considered is getting more YTBDs and/or other damsels, like beau gregory, velvet, "azure" (blue with yellow tail and belly). etc. I know the black and striped damsels a crazy mean, but i've read the blue ones are "better" (although that's more or less relative like saying a Niger is less violent than a bursa or humu humu).
I'd like to have a few corals, and i'm okay with an all snail CUC, although I'd like to know if anyone has had any experience with getting a large coral banded shrimp with a small Niger trigger?
Thanks in advance :)


New Member
i had a CBS for about 3 months with a small picasso lion 2 four stripe and one domino damsel without a problem... the lion died and i got a niger...bout 4-5"... few days later i couldn't find any trace of the cbs or the domino... they are usually like $15 at the LFS so i would probably get one and see how it goes.. just make sure it has a lot of caves to hang upside in... the CBS are territorial... whenever the picasso went after it.. it fought back... eventually the picasso let it be... the niger.. not so much..


if you got told nigers are slow growers you got told wrong, they grow very quick.
picasso (humu humu) grow VERY slow and is probably more suitable for your tank, but unless you plan an upgrade in about a year, that niger will be way to big for a 56 gallon


Active Member
maybe get a miniatous (spelling?) or strawberry grouper too, before getting anything wait untill you actually have set up the tank, believe me it dosent always work out as planned.


a miniatous grouper in a 56g?!?!?!?!?!
if i were you i wouldnt get a grouper untill the 180g has started a cycle fresh in your home, because say if things go bad and you end up not getting one, your going to have a fish that grows HUGE and is in a small tank, it'll take up so much space all your fish will go skitzz.
maybe go for like a dragon wrasse. but all honesty, you'll need a 100g+ in about a years time to hold that trigger,
dont mean to put you down or anything, just they do grow pretty quick,


Interesting you mentioned that. I used to have a Niger that grew pretty fast. Now I have another one, had it for close to a year and it's hardly growing at all. My clown trigger used to be a quarter of the niger's size, now it's way outgrown him. The niger's eating like a pig, all the other fish are growing, not sure why he isn't.