Niger Trigger Tank mates... Suggestions Please.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
blue throats are coral friendly as well. get a male.
thanks looks good - the only site I can find one on is $107 instead of the $59 here. Since I am only home for deliveries on SAT that makes it $170 fish. Oh, well. Ill keep an eye out.


Originally Posted by prime311
Dont get a trigger for a 40 gallon period. They get too large too fast and the small tank will only cause increased aggression. If you want him for a different tank let us know what else is in there. A lot of factors go into Triggers going postal, like other tank mates, availability of hiding places, tank size, feeding schedule, etc...
this is kinda hilarious.... i did hear about all of this.. but i can NEVER think of my bitch of a bluechin going postal like that...haha he is the biggest wimp of all my fish right now.. freaks out when i turn on my lights!! lol hides for hours... haha yea he is STILL a bluechin i can't wait for him to grow some blue chin BALLS... j/k.. sorry its late..haha


quick question... is it cool to really order a lot of fish online and put them in your tank at the same time?? Also do you HAVE to be at home when the delivery person comes with the fish like do you have to sign for them or they will not dropp them off?? Or can you just show up later on and grab them at your door, i will only be a few hours depending when the fish are delivered...
I am also hesitant to put in more than one fish at a time...
FYI: i'v never ordered from this site.. AND i got a 150 FOWLR tank..


Originally Posted by latinlord
quick question... is it cool to really order a lot of fish online and put them in your tank at the same time?? Also do you HAVE to be at home when the delivery person comes with the fish like do you have to sign for them or they will not dropp them off?? Or can you just show up later on and grab them at your door, i will only be a few hours depending when the fish are delivered...
I am also hesitant to put in more than one fish at a time...
FYI: i'v never ordered from this site.. AND i got a 150 FOWLR tank..
Its cool when you have 3 tanks like I do, soon to be 4.
I don't want them sitting around on the porch. I would rather pay the extra to get them delivered on Sat so I can be here. Besides, they will be going into QT for a few weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by latinlord
quick question... is it cool to really order a lot of fish online and put them in your tank at the same time??
sure if your tank can sustain it (disregarding QTing). I think its best for territorial reasons.
Also do you HAVE to be at home when the delivery person comes with the fish like do you have to sign for them or they will not dropp them off?? Or can you just show up later on and grab them at your door, i will only be a few hours depending when the fish are delivered...
depends on where you live. my Fedex and UPS people NEVER have me sign. In fact half the time they dont even have the courtesy to ring the door bell, they just drop it and leave. where I used to live they ALWAYS left me a yellow sticky and NEVER left the package. there are SOME vendors that require a signiture but I dont know of any that sell live aquatics. some places also have a box for you to leave notes in regards to shipping.


Active Member
If you live close to a Fed-EX "hold at location" center (check the Fed-Ex web site), you can use this as a shipping address. Fed-Ex will hold them inside and you can pick them when you want; 9-5, I think. I live in the boonies and Fed-Ex doesn't get here until about 3PM; I drive 10 mins and get them at 9AM. IMO, online is the only way to buy fish, at least for me. Price, guarentee, delvery, no sales tax, etc just can't be beat. I've bought all my fish (lots) this way for years and will never change.


thanks a lot everyone... I know the price is good... I was always cautious to do it.. But i'll soon be trying it out.. I like my fish stores.. but they seem to be so much more expensive...
I never guessed putting more fish at once was good.. I don't know... i was afraid of the mulitple water chemical changes at the same time... or something like that...
My tank can handle it i think.. I definitley need more fish... I am really happy to see that the fish arrive in just one day.. that is a huge plus! By what tiem usually does one have to order to get the fish the next day?? By noon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by latinlord
thanks a lot everyone... I know the price is good... I was always cautious to do it.. But i'll soon be trying it out.. I like my fish stores.. but they seem to be so much more expensive...
I never guessed putting more fish at once was good.. I don't know... i was afraid of the mulitple water chemical changes at the same time... or something like that...
My tank can handle it i think.. I definitley need more fish... I am really happy to see that the fish arrive in just one day.. that is a huge plus! By what tiem usually does one have to order to get the fish the next day?? By noon?
When to order depends on the dealer and their backlog. You can't always get them the next day with some dealers.
Just a word of caution. You certainly can get more than 1 fish at the same time; but (IMO) that isn't a green light to completely stock a tank in one shot. Much depends on your tank maturity, what you're adding, filtration capabilities, etc. BTW, the acclimation video SWF has is excellent; but don't make the mistake of putting all the fish into the same acclimation bucket. Each bag needs its own bucket for drip acclimation. PH, and other parameters, can vary greatly among bags.


yea i was actually thinking about that today ...haha i'll use a few buckets.. or do the bag drip method.. by placing fish bag into the tank and then adding some cups of water into the bag every so often. we'll see... i should be ok.


splurge is right! they are expensive. but very cool... I already have a bluechin trigger so i'm looking into some other fish... Mainly Angels - emperor and/or blueface, and more tangs.. I'm liking the Blonde Naso Tang.