Niger Trigger

duece biga

New Member
ok i just purchased a niger trigger and put him in my aquarium an he wont come out of the rock that i bought him with. Do these guys swim alot or stay hid also i put him in with a percula clown and a damsel. Will they get along?


New Member
He could just be stressed or scared, like the new kid in school. Maybe he just hasnt warmed up to the tank yet. As for getting along with the others, he might be ok since he is the nicest of all the triggers. Then again, he might not get along since he probably is much bigger than the others. All depends, some fish that should be more aggresive are sometimes nice and vise-versa.


My last niger trigger was THE most shy fish i ever had for about a month, then he ended up having the most personaltiy, would come out of his rock when you came up to the tank, was eating out of my hand (not real smart) etc, after he gets used to the tank and you, he should come out of it


Nigers love lots of rock work to feel comfortable and safe. My Niger was very shy and didnt come out of his little cave for almost a whole day. You need to allow him time try and keep the activity level down until he gets comfortable. (not a lot of movement around the tank) And when you approach the tank feed a very small amount of food so he gets used to you. That seemed to work with mine and now when i come near the tank he comes to greet me. Hes really a lot of fun to watch, just give it time.


Ya, Nigers can be very shy at times. Let him chill and make sure he has lots of rocks and hiding places....he should be cool.


My Niger is not a bit shy - just the oposite! He is the most outgoing fish in the tank - gets along well with the other residents - so far. Has not bothered the small Perc. Clown that came with the tank - but the Perc is scared of him.
When anybody approaches the tank - he thinks it's feeding time. What a pig - he makes it difficult to feed the other fish. He will rush across the entire tank if he sees another fish going for a piece of food - even if a larger piece of food is right next to him.
Mine is currently < 4" and have had him about two months. Enjoys kicking up sand and rearranging the rocks and shells.