Niger Trigger


last nigh i purchased a niger trigger from my LSF. he is only about an inch long. after i acclimated him i put him in the tank and he went into the rocks. i have not seen him since (its been about 24 hours). all of my water levels are good and there is only one other fish in the tank (2 inch majestic angel). should i worry that he is dead or are niger triggers shy when added to a tank (especially a juvy) :thinking:


Active Member
He will probably come out, got some fish this morning as you know and they are all out and swimming around.


It is possible that he is just hideing. I would give it another day. Is he small enough to fit in the other fish's mouth? Have you tried feeding?


he's not small enough for the other fish to eat. i have tried feeding but it was right after i turned on the lights so there is a chance he was still blind from being in the dark and wa afraid to come out.


Active Member
I used to have a Niger that would do the samething. When I turn on the lights in the morning, it takes him about 5min to come out after the lights are on. But if I walk too close, he'll be back in his rocks in no time. Then I just put some food within then walk away, when I come back, he is out and about eating. Try feeding it with live brine shrimp at first to get it to start eating. Mine eats the flakes too, but he died one day for some reason. I find the Hermit Crab eating the rest of him. Do not know what happened! Everything in the tank was fine and the other fish was fine. Anyway, we then got a Humu Humu Trigger that died within 2 days, bad batch, he wouldn't eat anything I give him and hides all the time, not even live brine shrimp. We then got another one about 2 weeks later and I found out that they were feeding them feeder fish, the one before also. Bad thing they only had'em on feeders. So I bought some to get the Humu Humu start eating for me. Once it starts to feed, I then try other food and she takes whatever I give her. I feed her Formula 2, Formula for Triggers, Blood Worms, Live Brine Shrimp, and as a treat once in a while, feeder fish. I had her for quite some time now and she is doing very well and growing!!! At least this one don't ever hide when I'm around instead he'll come right up to the top and eat from my hand. :happyfish