Niger Trigger


Can someone give me some advice on feeding my new niger trigger? I don't have access to live fish, so it would have to be a frozen choice. Also, how often should I feed it?


I used to have one of those. I feed mine fresh shelled foods like crab, lobster..etc. Try to let it break the shell itself. Mine would take food from my hand. I'm no expert.. far from it.. but I would guess feed at least every other day. Oh, by the way they are crab killers.


Active Member
Give it a variety of meaty foods. Small pieces of fresh or frozen (thawed) clam, squid, scallop, shrimp, mussel. Krill is okay as an occassional offering. Silversides are fine, as would be frozen plankton. Many will also eat nori or other algae based foods.
Mine eats anything I put in the tank. I feed my "big" fish silversides and the Niger picks at them untill it is time to feed the engineer gobies then my 2 triggers and the 2 gobies fight over the (frozen) mysis shrimp. They also eat flakes, frozen krill (they didn't like the freeze dried krill), every now and then we put in some ghost shrimp and they eat those too. Like I said mine eats anything.


Active Member
Mine eats anything as well. I've seen him eat pelleted Spectrum, Spirulina, & Reef Carnivore, Raw Shrimp & Scallops, Frozen Mysis & Angel Formula, and even Algae sheets. He is always hungry.


Niger's don't really eat live fish in the wild, mostly urchins and inverts. Try feeding clams, shrimp, scallops, krill or mysis shrimp. Mine also eats flake food and seaweed.