niger trigger?


considering adding a niger trigger in my 75... current fish list is:
3 green chromis
1 perc clown
1 scooter blenny
1 bicolor angel
1 sixline wrasse
i have heard that triggers can be very aggressive, but i have also heard that the niger trigger is the least aggressive one. do you think i will be fine adding a niger to my tank? there is a whole lot of LR with lots of hiding spots.


Hope the Niger trigger doesnt bite a chunk off any of those poor fish.
GL let me know how it goes.


Active Member
This an unpredictable fish that will quickly outgrow a 75. You run a real risk of having other fish injured/killed if you get one with a nasty temperament. I like your present stock list and would suggest another small fish like a second clown. You could also consider a kole tang for a larger showy fish, one that won't harm the others.


Active Member
I don't know about quickly, as I have heard they grow extremely slowly. 1-2" per yr.
Unpredictable - well of course, it's a trigger.
I currently have a 4-5" Niger in a 75g with:
Four stripe Damsel
2 - Blue Damsels
Maroon Clown
Auriga Butterfly
White Eye Moray
Brazilian Golen Moray
He chases the damsels from time to time, especially during feeding time. However, he has never bothered anyting else.
I would say get a small one and you should be safe for now, but keep a watchful eye.


Active Member
The niger is a crapshoot. You are right that they are generally one of the least aggressive triggers. However I have seen some very aggressive nigers. I'd worry about your perc and scooter blenny. A safer choice would be a blue throat trigger.


Active Member
My niger has never bothered my scooter or my clowns they are more deadly to the poor crabs