niger trigger


so half the places i look at say that niger triggers are okay for reefs and the other half say they arent okay.
does anyone have any experiences with these fish in reef tanks?


Many times it depends ont he individual, but generally they are fine if well fed. They should not be kept with shrimp, crabs, or hermits. They may go after tube worms, but like i said, it is the individual, and the amount of food you feed. Also, they get pretty big, so make sure your tank is big enough for it to swim a lot.


Active Member
I've kept a niger for 3 yrs without issue although I think he may have a sweet spot for emerald crabs. Never bothered anything else. (I can't say for certain that he ate the emeralds)


I had one and he was friendly to everyone for a year then one morning he turned evil for no reason
nipped corals and tank mates fins


Active Member
Originally Posted by BSchaible
so half the places i look at say that niger triggers are okay for reefs and the other half say they arent okay.
does anyone have any experiences with these fish in reef tanks?
I had one in my reef and it was the only one that didnt eat the coral. My niger has been pretty quiet due to the fact that he was by far the smallest fish in the tank when I introduced him.
I have heard though that at any given momment it will act like a trigger and start to turn nasty (usually when they get over 5").