Nigger Trigger...


Can I keep a

Trigger in a 125 semi reef tank. I have three anthias, 2 clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 six line wrasse, 1 cleaner wrass, planning on adding a Royal Gramma, Red Sea SailFin Tang, and one other tang not sure yet. Most of my corals a softies, only planning on adding some more mushrooms. Got a cleaner shrimp and some crabs and snails.

a&m '96

New Member
As far as I know, any trigger will tear into your inverts, possibly including the corals. It's probably not a good idea unless you change to a fish-only. (By the way, I think it's spelled "niger" with one 'r'. It may get you in trouble if you keep spelling it with two...) Good luck.


He will be really aggressive towards your smaller fish so be careful with that. Although that Niger is the most calm of all Triggers, so you may have good luck.
Hi, cruzan, We kept a niger trigger in our reef for six months until we set up our 200 gallon F/O In our reef he caused no problems, but triggers are known for there munching. Not saying he will or wont we had good luck with ours as he is very dosile, I have heard of some haveing more aggressive ones than ours , but we added him when he was small[2-3] inches. He is now six in long and still very mellow in our fo tank.cya...fixit :)
Well as for the niger i'm not too sure about the aggression but I do know they love to eat any coral they can get their jaws on. I would however recomend a blue throat based on what I have seen so far. Personally I know a guy with a farly decent sized one in a 110. It is very friendly considering what it has in with it. I know i wouldnt recamend this but here is what it is in with: Large Cinamon clown,Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, fairly large naso, Scopas Tang, Marine Betta, file fish, long nose hawk, a few chromis, Purple lobster, a couple serpant and brittle stars, lots of crabs and snails for clean up, probably at least 70 pounds of life rock, large long tentacle aneomea, cleaner shrimp, and LOTS OF CORALS.. The blue throat doesnt bother the invertabrates or another fish for that matter even though it is over stocked and the tangs do fight some. It is extra friendly and i ahavent seen it pick on a coral or even think of bullying a fish yet. I dont know but personally I think they are prettier than nigers. Hope i could help.


Active Member
Nigers are on the docile side as far as triggers go but as it gets older it becomes less so. I personally would not go in this direction but then again I've never tried it. If you go forward let us know how it goes.