night time flow question


I have a 55g that i want to put in my room but my equipment is kinda noisy. For flow I have 2 powerheads, HOB skimmer and 60g HOB filter. Would it be OK to kill everything but the filter for the 8 hours I'm asleep? Or would the lack of flow cause problems?


Active Member
what do you mean kinda noisy???? all 3 fish i have in my house all you hear is the water fall from the overflow thats it. my skimmer doesnt make any noise, and the return pump either. and many other tanks i know that dont make a noise at all.
i recommend not turning it off at all


Well-Known Member

I run canister filters so they are completely silent. My HOB skimmer makes the most noise, not the power heads. I think you could go without the HOB skimmer for the night, I turn off my skimmer in the daytime...LOL...I work night shift so I run the skimmer while I am gone. You need the power heads and filter running all the time.


Well I kinda threw the tank together with leftover parts and pieces so the equipment is junk. The seaclone100 skimmer is pretty noisy as well as both oldschool penn-plax powerheads. I'll probably just end up upgrading powerheads before I do that.