Night time pics form my 470


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
What kind of tang is that with the blue tail in the first pic?
Dussumieri Tang (Acanthurus dussumieri) A great fish


Active Member
It looks pretty big. Would one be comfortable in a 125 along with either another tang or a rabbitfish (and of course other smaller fish)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
It looks pretty big. Would one be comfortable in a 125 along with either another tang or a rabbitfish (and of course other smaller fish)
I would not reccomend one for that size of tank. They get very big, I have 2 now, ones in the 470 and both are amoung the largest fish in the tank. My Vlamingii's are the only other fish I have that have grown faster than the Dussumier tang.


Not only is that tank amazing .. all the otehr behind the scenes set up is amazing as well. How did you start to plan all that set up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HowardJ
Your fish tank is Absolutely Amazing. Yours is definitely in the top 3 that I have seen.

what is the yellow coral at the bottom of this picture?
Absolutely stunning ;)
Thank you! The picture has a tree sponge. It is prbably a little more on the orange side rather than yellow in person.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SusiesTank
Not only is that tank amazing .. all the otehr behind the scenes set up is amazing as well. How did you start to plan all that set up?
This tank wasn't planned as well as it might seem. It sits where I orginally had my 210 sitting. We weren't able to fit this tank through the doorway into my office, so we moved the 210 into the office and set this one where the 210 had been. The behind the scene items were kind of pieced together without a real plan. Added something here and there to make the tank work. That's the big advantage to having equipment in the basement or fish room. Other than the ballasts for the lights, looks pretty bare under the tank....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Do you have any closeups on the barred rabbitfish? Also what info can you share with me about them?
Here are a few pictures. This one has been a good fish in the tank. Spots are on the tank, and not the fish..sorry.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
you have any pictures of night time life? what does your tank look like at night
Here you go, some random pictures with just the flourescents.



wow u have just about every fish i have ever seen........ well thats why the oceans have no more fish........... there in goodwin's house


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
how do you keep your glass so clean... esp down by the sand line?
The wood trim at the bottom of the tank is 1" above the sand line in the tank. I use a scraper to get pretty close to the level of the trim when cleaning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here are a couple of other photos from the tank;

This has to be one of the best, coolest pictures I've ever seen. Awesome!