Night Viewing of Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by N_Jones
I was issued one of these in '79 lol
LOL...they are still issuing those state of the art flashlights...what you talking about N_Jones??? LOL


Well, last night I tried the red cellophane over a flashlight - I used enough layers of cellophane so that it was a very dim red glow. No dice. My Tang looked right at the red light and bolted for cover. No sign of my lobster, whose name is Norman but I think I may rename him Houdini!
I think I will try the moon light idea next, maybe.


Originally Posted by N_Jones
I was issued one of these in '79 lol
Hah, i was never "issued" one but they made me buy one when i joined 6 years ago. So y'all aren't - that old....