Nitrate concerns........


Active Member
So I did my weekly testing today and everything was fine except there was a reading of 15ppm of nitrates. Bit of a concern since I want to turn this into a reef tank.
I wanted to get your guy's opinion and see if I should just chill a few days or start taking measures.
system is a 55 gallon tall tank w/good lighting. I have around 60-70lbs live rock (15 new pounds today) and 2 inches of live sand. the sand and LR is 9 months old.
I am running bio balls in the wet/dry filter and did look up posts and noticed that this can be a nitrate generator so that might be the first thing to go?
quick background today though, I removed 3 2 inch tangs, a small banded shark (3 or 4 inches long) and a seaba clown 3 inches long. bringing the bioload down to a tomato clown (1inch) and one 2 inch purple tang, and the clean up crew. Oh yea and one cleaner shrimp. So to get them out today I had to stir everything up, move rocks etc. The water got mirky for about .5 hours then was clear again.
So what do u guys think? :nervous:


Are you running a skimmer, or growing caulerpa? otherwise you will see nitrate's in your system. Partial water changes with lower the levels, or purchasing a quality protein skimmer, or growin algae in the fuge with typically solve the problems.


Active Member

Originally posted by wannabfish
Are you running a skimmer, or growing caulerpa? otherwise you will see nitrate's in your system. Partial water changes with lower the levels, or purchasing a quality protein skimmer, or growin algae in the fuge with typically solve the problems.

Yes I run a skimmer, I forgot to mention that.