nitrate corals?


i have heard that xenia takes nitrates outta the tank is that true if so u could replace cheato with it? also are there any other corals that would do that?


Active Member
Xenia is the only one I have ever heard of doing it, not sure if I replace cheato with it though.


Active Member
Mushrooms absorb more nitrates than xenia, xenia is about as close to totally photodependant as corals get they barely absorb anything. I dont know why its kicking around that xenia absorbs so much nitrate but this is like the third time I've heard it and its really pretty much a myth.

bang guy

Xenia is excellent in my experience. The downside is that it needs 5 times more light than algae to accomplish the same amount. I'd only consider it if you're space limited.
The plus side is that it removes more Phosphate than Chaeto.


If your only goal in nutrient export stick with chaeto. I grow that in the fuge then Xenia in the display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Every coral absorbs nitrates from the water. Xenia just does it a lot faster than others.
Thought I read that somewhere, just wasn't sure enough to post it.