Nitrate help

Ok first off i am not new to this. BUT i do need a little help every now and then. I have a High nitrate problem. I have gotten it down but not to 0. I do water changes but they can be hard for me. I never have time nor am i at home. Now before you guys say well then you shouldn't have a saltwater aquarium. It isnt that anal of a saltwater aquarium. Its a very basic nano tank. With damsels, crabs, urchin, and zoas. Now no i dont know everything but the tank has been up and running for over a year. SO with that said, I need some alternative help with my nitrate reduction. I would much appreciate it.
Cutting down on feeding if you were overfeeding will help and getting a little more regular on water changes would definitely help.


Active Member
As others have said reduced feeding more than likely will help, also a couple of large water changes will help you can do a 50% change wait a couple of days and do another 50% change and that should bring your nitrates down to about 20 then if you have your feeding under control you should be able to maintain that level. You should look at the amount of flow in your tank as ditritus buildup can cause high nitrates, andif you are using Tap water for topoff and water changes that could be another source of nitrates.
I use distilled water for top off. I do have pretty high flow in my tank. Thanks guys I guess ill have to get on my water changes then.