nitrate high


New Member
I have a 90 gal sw tank. My nitrate are at 10. Ammo is 0 Nitrite 0 sat 1.023 and ph 8.2. I have 100 pounds live rock and 50 pounds of live sand. Filter is a eco system 36x12 sump. The only thing in the tank is citters. Did a 10 gal water change this wk end. I use r/o water and i tested that for nitrate was 0. thx


Active Member
I'm happy to say, I hardly consider your nitrates to be "high" at 10. 0 is not always obtainable, and can take much of the joy out of the hobby to reach.
What inhabitants do you have, how often and how much do you feed...what algae do you have growing in your ecosystem? How old is the tank?


New Member
The tank is 3 months old ,right now there is nothing in the ecosystem had caulerpa in the sump but die. I feed every three day 10 pelllets and the only thing i have a few snails and craps and star fish. Want to get nitrate to 0 if possible. thx


Active Member
Why do you want to get nitrate to 0? Because someone has set it as a level to reach? Not every tank works that way. It is just not always possible, and there is nothing WRONG with not being at 0. Now if you were at 20, we might make changes.
But your tank is young, and this is normal.
Get some Chaetomorpha algae for your refugium.


If you wish to lower the nitrates don't over feed, use a phosphate remover, run carbon, crank up the skimmer, and add macroalgae to the sump. Those will all help.


Originally Posted by gwh57
If you wish to lower the nitrates don't over feed, use a phosphate remover, run carbon, crank up the skimmer, and add macroalgae to the sump. Those will all help.



Active Member
Originally Posted by marineguys
Yea Gandolph8. My nitrates are 30-40ppm on my 55g. I have tried everything.
thats because your tank is 3 months old and heavily stocked for such a young tank. not really a valid example of regular nitrate readings.
my tank is quite old and I get readings around 7 or so on my nitrates. (Due to my heavy feeding habits) ten is not obscenly high. just maintain a regular water change scedual and you shouldnt have any drastic problems.


I agree that is not high if you over feed. I tend to do that too. I just cut back for a while until everything settles down.