I could be wrong, but with a new tank. 20ppm Nitrates is not HORRIBLE. Yes, you want to shoot for zero, but a new tank is going to have some nitrates until it gets established. I think it would be better to address, are you running a refugium? That will help cut your nitrates down. According to my LFS and the guys who help me out all the time, 20 is acceptable in a new tank. Now, if over a long period of time it never goes down, then you need to check into whats keeping them up. As long as it isnt going much higher than 20...you should be ok. As for the water change. From my experience, even if you use the old tanks water, you may still get a cycle in the new tank. Going from 29-55 is only about 50% of your old water. It would be best to just cycle that tank while this one is still running then move things over.