Nitrate level


New Member
I have had a 55 gallon tank set up for about a year and a half but recently my nitrate levels have skyrocketed to 200. I have done numerous water changes that help in the beginning but within a day or two, the levels rise again. All the other levels are perfect. I have a fuval340 filter, a prism skimmer, and use crushed coral. The fish in the tank right now are three damsel fish, a clownfish, and a starfish. There is not any live rock. Is reverse osmosis good for a tank and would it help with the nitrate level?
Another question is my yellow tailed damsel looks like he lost his tail. He is swimming fine but I am not sure what happened. Has anyone heard of this happening and will it grow back?


New Member
I had the same prob. I clean the filter . I took everythin out and cleaned it with water.. did a water change and now no prob... :yes:


The Fluval and crushed coral are 2 major sources for nitrates ("Nitrate Factories"). I had a fluval and ditched it for a refugium under my tank. REALLY helped my levels (now less than 5).


New Member
I do vacuum the crushed coral and I have cleaned the filter and everything in the tank. The fish seem to be doing fine even though the level is high. I would like to eventually add more fish but do not want to because of the nitrates. A local pet store sells reverse osmosis water. Does anyone think this would be better for a water change?


Yes, that water is much cleaner than tap. Is your starfish ok? He might not make it with such high nitrates.

chris a h

I had the same problem with a 75 gallon with just two damsels and a Banghi Cardinal. I ditched my fluval, vacuumed the CC gravel bed and added about 50 lbs of live rock.
My Nitrates are now about 10 ppm/15 ppm, mainly because I'm getting slightly sloppy with my water changes.
I'd say that live rock would be the best thing you could do. When I added LR, my Cyno went away, the fishes color improved, my fish ate more, grew faster, seemed less stressed...
I now have two tomato clowns in addition to the two damsels and the Banghi. I plan on adding a Royal Gramma in September and then adding a clown Goby in January. After that I
I'll probably stop adding fish.
So If I were you I'd add LR and stock lightly.