Nitrate Levels ?


What are considered safe levels of nitrate all the way up to lethal levels of nitrates for your tank. I understand all other levels (nitrite and ammonia) should be zero, but i have been told some levels of nitrate are expected in your tank. Whats your opinions ?


Active Member
For Fish Only- while like you said its never what would be called a good thing, I think safe for fish only is anything under 30ppm for long term. I have seen it spike off the charts for weeks at a time with no casualties but it is certainly not healthy or humane to keep in such conditions.
for Reef or mixed ect tanks I would say keep it under 10ppm. And heavy spikes can be leathal even for short durations. Keep it under 10ppm max.
Trates are the real lessor of the evils so when they are high usually something else was high first and thats where the problems are for lethal consequences.
Sorry if this sounds condasending but why not just run at 0 across the board, Its not hard to do, its usually something overlooked that is CREATING the levels, not build up or inhabitants. IME. Go back through your system peice by peice and find the cause.


I hear you when you say just keep it 0 across the board. I would love to do that just haven't found the way to do that. I feed them sparingly (just what they can eat in about a minute or two) I just started to do water changes when i saw the nitrates go up. My LFS said i did not have to do any water changes until approx 2 months but i started at about 6 weeks because of my slight spike. When i say it spiked it is at about 5-10 at most. thanks for the response. anything else u can think of to kep it under control let me know.


Active Member
Can you describe your tank and plumbing? I like to think I am good with this but not claravoyant ya know.
Tank and equip specs will help emensly.
Also you sure its not the tail of your cycle? Amonia runs through to Trites, then finally trates. 6 weeks is a healthy cycle but again I dont know what or how your set up configured or the materials. Sand, Live sand, live rock ect. I am just guessing at this point.